HKB Media Library

The HKB Media Library is part of the BFH library and a member of the Swiss Library Service Platform SLSP/swisscovery. It is open to the public and a centre of learning and exchange for HKB students, lecturers and staff.

Opening Hours

Without BFH Card, access is only possible at the main entrance.


  • on all national holidays incl. bridge days


swisscovery is the national search platform of academic libraries in Switzerland.

In our short course you will learn ...

  • ... how to use swisscovery efficiently
  • ... how to borrow books and how to download e-books.

Dates 2024

  • Thursday, 26 September 2024, 12 noon (German)
  • Friday, 18 October 2024, 12 noon (French)
  • Tuesday, 22 October 2024, 4.30pm (German)
  • Wednesday, 13 November 2024, 12 noon (German)
  • Tuesday, 26 November 2024, 12 noon (French)
  • Tuesday, 10 December 2024, 12 noon (German)
  • Thursday, 23 January 2025, 4.30pm (German)
  • Monday, 27 January 2025, 12 noon (French)

Info on the short courses

  • Duration: 30 minutes
  • Registration: not necessary
  • The short training sessions will take place via MS Teams

Information about swisscovery can be found at
If you have any questions, please contact

Contact us if you would like to have a short course on a different date or in English.

Note on data protection

You can participate in the training, which takes place virtually via MS Teams, using the link above. Only your dial-in and registration data will be transmitted via MS Teams. Sound and image data will only be processed if you allow this in your settings (microphone, camera). The Bern University of Applied Sciences does not store any personal data that can be seen from the event; in particular, no recording is made. In addition, the BFH has chosen MS Teams, a program for which compliance with the standards required by data protection law is assured. The responsibility for the operation of the software lies with the provider. Details on the processing of personal data can be found in the provider's data protection information. By participating, you consent to the processing of your personal data.

Borrowing + access to online resources

The HKB Media Library combines the holdings of four divisions: Design and Fine Arts, Conservation and Restoration, Research and the Y Institute.

The physical media are generally freely accessible and can be borrowed (prerequisite: swisscovery account). They can be searched via

Media can be returned outside opening hours via the return box. The return box is in front of the media library and is emptied daily at 9am. Borrowed media items that are dropped off later than 9am will only be registered as returned as of the following working day.

The electronic media or online resources are accessible to students and employees of the BFH in the BFH network, i.e. in the WLAN «bfh», or via VPN. For other visitors, they are available at the research stations in the library.

The collections of the BFH Library (books and ebooks, periodicals and ejournals, DVDs, etc.; except for the library of the Abegg Foundation) can be searched using

The Swiss National Sound Archives is the sound archives of Switzerland and is responsible for safeguarding the sound heritage of our country. Founded in 1987 as a foundation under private law, it fulfils – in close cooperation with the Swiss National Library in Bern – part of the tasks laid down in the law on the National Library.
The National Sound Archives collects and catalogs sound documents, both in music and in spoken word, that have a relationship with the Swiss history and culture. For example: recordings of classical music, rock, jazz, folk music, audio books, stories, theatre plays, interviews, audio documents …

AATA online

AATA Online is a free research database containing abstracts of literature related to the preservation and conservation of material cultural heritage. It has been managed and published by the Getty since 1983. AATA Online contains over 148,000 records and adds approximately 4,000 new records each year through regular updates.

Bibliographic Database of the Conservation Information Network (BCIN)

BCIN, the Bibliographic Database of the Conservation Information Network, is the web's most complete bibliographic resource for the conservation, preservation and restoration of cultural property.

DACH Information

The multidisciplinary database DACH Information offers a wide range of high-quality full-text resources to support research in a broad spectrum of subject areas. 

Subject areas include: arts, business and economics, communication, education, law, history, humanities, linguistics, management, marketing, mathematics, nursing, psychology, social sciences and social work, STEM.

Directory of Open Access Journals DOAJ

List of electronic journals that are freely accessible according to the principles of Open Access.

EAI Electronic Arts Intermix

This source for video and media art contains works from the beginnings of video art in the 1960s to the present day.

IBA International Bibliography of Art

Applied arts, history of architecture and art, museology and conservation; bibliographical references from 2008 onwards. Successor product to BHA (Bibliography of the History of Art). Provider: ProQuest


JSTOR is a digital library of academic journals, books and primary sources. BFH offers access to several JSTOR sources. For a systematic search, please also consult BFH swisscovery.

Kunstforum International Online Archiv

Find over 25'000 texts and 200'000 images in what is probably the most comprehensive documentation of contemporary art history from 1973 to the present day and research all the topics and content that move current art events.
Single user licence on site in the media library.


Historical and current knowledge about materials and illustrations. Collections of the Gewerbemuseum Winterthur, the HSLU T&A and Design, the Sitterwerk, the ZHdK, ETHZ, ZHAW and HKB Bern.

Web of Science

Multidisciplinary database, contains:

  • Science Citation Index, SCI
  • Social Science Citation Index, SSCI (inkl. Wirtschaft)
  • Arts & Humanities Citation Index, AHCI (inkl. Architektur)
  • Emerging Sources Citation Index, ESCI
  • Conference Proceedings Citation Index:
    • Science
    • Social Sciences & Humanities

Art & Architecture Source

Database for visual and applied arts, design and architecture. Includes the databases Wilson Art Full-Text and Art Index Retrospective as well as 750 journals in full-text, references and abstracts from renowned international journals (USA, UK, France, Italy, Germany, Spain, Holland), 220 e-books and 63'000 images.


Collections of images from museums, private collectors, photographic agencies, photographers of architecture, etc. for use in research and teaching.

Deutsche Fotothek

The Deutsche Fotothek in the SLUB Dresden is one of the most important image archives in Europe with a collection of around seven million photographs and an online offering of currently around 2,337,000 image media. Its aim is to preserve and activate important examples of analog and digital photography through online presentation, exhibitions and publications.

ETH E-Pics Image Archive

In the image archive of the ETH library more than 500'000 images are available for free download, 100'000 of these images are in the public domain and can be used without restrictions. The collection includes photos of Swiss history of science and technology, the archives of Swissair and the Fotostiftung Schweiz as well as the Baugeschichtliche Archiv of the city of Zurich.

Rijksmuseum Studio

More than 500'000 images of works in the museum's collection have been digitised in high resolution; 200'000 of these images are available in the Rijksmuseum Studio and can be freely adapted.

Statens Museum for Kunst (National Gallery of Denmark)

As part of the Google Art Project this museum has digitised in high resolution approximately 40'000 images of works of art in the public domain, which can be used and adapted by the public.

Lost Art Internet Database Deutschland

‘Lost Art’ is the official German database for the documentation of cultural objects seized during the Nazi dictatorship. It contains cultural objects that were displaced or confiscated as a result of organised looting efforts by the Nazis, especially from Jewish owners.

Anlaufstelle Raubkunst, Federal Office of Culture

A governmental online portal about artworks plundered by the NS regime. Contains general information as well as information about provenance research.


E-Periodica is the platform for Swiss journals online and is a service of the ETH Library. Subjects range from the natural sciences through architecture, mathematics, history, geography, art and culture to the environment and social policies. At E-Periodica you'll find freely accessible journals from the 18th century through to the present. 

The Swiss National Library is a co-operating partner of E-Periodica and also provides digitised journals from its collection on E-Periodica.


Swissdox is managed by SMD Schweizer Mediendatenbank. It is a media archive as well as a press database. Swissdox contains Swiss daily and weekly newspapers, magazines and journals, press agencies, online media as well as newspapers that are no longer published from 1780 until today.


Newspapers and magazines worldwide, including several Swiss publications, as well as company information and press photographs. Alerts are not possible.

The HKB Media Library collects the diploma theses of HKB students.

Projects in the field of Conservation and Restoration are integrated into the holdings of the HKB Media Library. BFH swisscovery lists them under their title and author’s name.

Projects completed in the Division of Design and Fine Arts are collected in the Media Library. They can only be viewed on site.

The HKB Media Library owns around 100 valuable, rare publications.

Their classmark is RARA. They are not available for loan. Rarities can only be used for reference on site or borrowed for short-term use in internal classes.

You can use BFH swisscovery to search our rarities.

Literature search support

The browser extension Lean Library leads you directly to electronic full-text content offered by your BFH library.

Download Lean Library

  1. Open 
  2. Install browser extension
  3. In the settings select the library: Berner Fachhochschule
  4. Begin your search for academic literature. The Lean Library pop-ups lead directly to the full-text.

For best results, always activate the VPN.

Try Lean Library after download 

  • If the article you are looking for can be found on different platforms, Lean Library will take you to where you have direct access. >> test link
  • If the e-book you are looking for is offered by the BFH libraries, Lean Library will take you directly to the free download. >> test link
  • If you need a password to access a source, Lean Library will inform you accordingly. >> test link
  • If you wish to search the swisscovery library system using a specific search term, click on the desired search term with the right mouse button on any website and select "search@BFH".

Search directly in swisscovery with Lean Library

Lean Library enables you to initiate a search on the swisscovery search platform from any website:

  • highlight one or more terms 
  • right-click with your mouse
  • choose “Search@BFH” in the drop-down menu
  • proceed to search in swisscovery

If you have any questions, contact us:

The Moodle course BFH Literature Search gives BFH students an introduction to researching scientific literature.

  • Why Google is not enough
  • From the research question to the search terms
  • Scientific literature and its differences
  • Tips for the search
  • etc. 

You can decide based on various criteria whether or not you should use a resource when preparing your research paper. The following checklist provides a basis for decision making:


Depending on the type of publication, you can choose the appropriate search tool:

  • You will find books and e-books using swisscovery. For e-books the section “Consult online” directs you to the full-text. The design of the button or link for downloading can vary greatly: “Full-text”, “PDF”, “Read”, etc.
  • You can find periodical articles using specialized subject databases.
    The periodicals themselves can be accessed via swisscovery if the database does not include the full-text (see the paragraph “Finding periodical articles”)
  • The library also provides search tools for norms, images, statistics, newspapers, etc.

Always look for the “search@BFH” button. It often leads directly to the text you are searching for.

Install LeanLibrary, a browser extension, to support your research.

Activate your BFH VPN, even when using Google or Google scholar, for ex., as this can in some cases lead directly to the full-text.

Searching in Subject Databases

Journal articles can be found primarily in bibliographic subject databases. You will often find direct access to full-text PDFs here as well. Depending on the database, the design of the download buttons or links can vary greatly: «Full Text», «PDF», «Read», etc.

Sometimes the DOI or «digital object identifier» directs to the full-text.

Also pay attention to the «» button, as this can also direct to full-text.

Finding journal article full-text

In some bibliographic databases you will find neither full-text access nor PDFs, only citations for the articles you need. In this case, go to the swisscovery search platform.

Search in swisscovery using the title of the journal instead of the title of the article. Then use «Tweak your results», go to the heading «Resource Type» and choose «Journals».

If the electronic version of the journal is available, you will be directed to the journal full-text by clicking on the “Available Online” link and you can then find and download the article PDF. In some cases, you may need to enter a password again (“Passwords”).

If the journal is only available in print, you can copy or scan the article at the library where it is located.

If the BFH Library does not have the journal you need in its collections, broaden your search to include all of swisscovery, i.e. all member libraries (drop-down menu next to the search box). You can often order the journal issue for loan. 

Some swisscovery member libraries allow you to order copies or scans for a fee. Alternatively, use the service Orders for Copies of the University Library of Bern.

Offer for BFH employees

You need a journal article, but the BFH library doesn't have a licence? Send us as many details as possible about the article and we will deliver it to you:

Using reference management software you can 

  • enter your literature references,
  • organize them,
  • import references from swisscovery and specialised catalogues,
  • export references into text documents.

In the Moodle course Literature Management, BFH students and employees receive instructions and training dates for the reference management software Zotero. 

Writing is not a question of talent. Writing is a question of practice. Especially when it comes to writing scientific texts.

In the Moodle course "Schreiben – écrire – writing" BFH students can find instruction in the art of academic writing and helpful suggestions for getting started with the writing process. The course is intended to introduce you to the topic and can later be used for reference purposes, as needed.


The HKB Media Library is part of the BFH library.