Applying for the BFH-HAFL hall of residence

The hall of residence on our campus is available only to HAFL students. Because the demand for rooms significantly exceeds the supply, it is unfortunately not possible for students from other BFH departments to be considered.

Applications are handled differently depending on whether you apply BEFORE or AFTER the start of your course. Before you apply, make sure that you read the brochure “Information about the HAFL hall of residence” carefully (see download on previous page).

Applying BEFORE the start of your course

Bachelor’s and master’s students who have not yet started their course should fill in the online form below before the application deadline.

Application deadlines for the hall of residence

  • Bachelor’s and Master's students starting in the autumn semester: 1 February to 15 May.
  • Master’s students starting in the spring semester: 1 October to 15 December.

Only applications submitted on time will be considered. Bachelor’s students: rooms are offered in priority to students who live further from the school. Master’s students: priority is given to students from abroad who are subject to visa requirements.

An application does not guarantee that you will be able to live on the campus!

You will be informed by 15 June or 31 December before the start of your course whether or not you will be offered a room.

Wherever possible, an offer will be for a room in your preferred category. If no rooms in that category are available, another category will be offered.

Applying AFTER the start of your course

Bachelor’s and master’s students who have already started their course of study can put their names on a waiting list. To do this, follow the instructions in the brochure “Information about the HAFL hall of residence”.

Room categories

A nostalgic: CHF 500.--

B standard: CHF 550.--

B modern: CHF 550.--

C standard: CHF 450.--

C modern: CHF 450.--

D standard extra*: CHF 630.--
   *Only very few rooms in this category are available.           

All prices are monthly rents including service charges.

Registration form