Prof. Dr. Emanuela Chiapparini

Prof. Dr. Emanuela Chiapparini Institutsleiterin
Berner Fachhochschule
School of Social Work
Abteilung Soziale Intervention
Hallerstrasse 10
3012 Bern
Degree programmes
Bachelor's and Master's programme
Continuing Education Module Applied Research (2020-2023)
Workshops and corses for people experienced in poverty and professionals
Participatory models in poverty policy
Transdisciplinary cooperation and organisation
User Involement and Peer Groups
All-day school, Quality, Inklusion and Wellbeing
Participation in foster care of children and young people
Children and Youth Study
Qualitative research methods, mixed methods
Professional experience
- 2022-ongoing Head of Institute Childhood, Youth and Family Bern University of Applied Sciences
- 2022 Lecturer University of Fribourg
- 2019-ongoing Lecturer and researcher (Prof FH) with a focus on «Social Work at School» and «poverty prevention» Bern University of Applied Sciences
- 2014-2018 Lecturer and researcher at the Institute «Childhood, Young People and Family» with a focus on «Social Work at School» Zurich University of Applied Sciences
- 2014-2016 Three international research stays Boston University and New York University
- 2014 Researcher in the SNFS-Projekt „Back to the everyday life “ University of Zurich
- 2013 Researcher, EUMARR-project (SNFS, ESF) University of Zurich
- 2012 Researcher, youth project about association activity of young people in the March (SZ) supported by foundation Mercartor Schweiz, idee:sport and Jugendbüro March) University of Zurich
- 2012-2014 Lecturer in sociology of youth and qualitative methods University of Zurich
- 2012-2014 Postdoc in sociology of youth University of Zurich
- 2010-2011 Research assistant in sociology of youth University of Zurich
- 2009-2013 Co-founder and co-supervisor of the research group QualiZüri University of Zurich
- 2009 Visiting researcher Universities of Canterbury and London
- 2021 Continuing Education in Leadership: Development, Reflection and Empowerment in Leadership Bern University of Applied Sciences
- 2012-2014 Academic Didactic Program "Teaching Skills" University of Zurich
- 2011 PhD thesis about young people and broken rules at school, University of Zurich "Ehrliche Unehrlichkeit. Eine qualitative Untersuchung zur Tugend Ehrlichkeit bei Jugendlichen an der Zürcher Volksschule" (Budrich Verlag) University of Zurich
- 2004-2006 Advanced training in Social Sciences and Religion Florence
- 2001 M.A. Thesis about Values and Education of Young People at School University of Zurich
- 1995-2001 M.A. in Educational Science, Philosophy, Religious Studies University of Zurich
- 2014-2016 Three international research stay Boston University and New York University
Other projects
Analysis and groundwork on exchange and mobility in out-of-school youth work - team member - 2018
Children's well-being in all-day schooling- lead - 2016-2017
Involvement of addressees (user involvement) in practice, research and teaching - lead - since 2015
Project management for the participatory elaboration a proposal for a permanent structure for the participation of people experiencing poverty in poverty prevention and reduction - support by the Federal Social Insurance Office - Lead -2022-2023
Selected publications
Chiapparini, E., & Koller, A. (2025, in Press). The benefits and use of all-day schools at secondary level from the perspective of young people. Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft Springer VS
External memberships
Expert in different boards (e.g. SNSF, Foundation DROSOS or AJB Zürich)
Reviewer of Scientific Journals (e.g. International Journal for Research on Extended Education, Diskurs Kindheit- und Jugendforschung oder Beiträge für Lehrerbildung)