Prof. Dr. Monika Leitner

Prof. Dr. Monika Leitner Dozentin
Berner Fachhochschule
School of Health Professions
Fachbereich Physiotherapie
Stadtbachstrasse 64
3012 Bern
- 2014 - 2017: PhD in Health Sciences (Physiotherapy), Graduate School for Health Sciences, University of Bern
- 2011 - 2013: University course "Master of Science in Sports Physiotherapy" at the Department of Sport and Exercise Science, University of Salzburg (Austria)
- 2008 – 2009: Certificate of Advanced Studies in "Workplace Health Management", University of Zürich/ETH Zürich
- 2004 – 2006: University course "Master of Advanced Studies in Health and Fitness" at the Department of Sport and Exercise Science, University of Salzburg (Austria)
- 2003 – 2004: Seminar and certificate in "Workplace Physiotherapy" ErgonPt®
- 1994 – 1996: Training in counselling (IACP)
- 1986 – 1989: Training in Physiotherapy at the University Hospital Graz (Austria)
Professional experience
- Since 2006 Lecturer in the Physiotherapy Bachelor Program (BSc Physiotherapy) Bern University of Applied Sciences, Department of Health Professions, Division of Physiotherapy, Bern, Switzerland
- Since 2003 Self-employed in own physiotherapy practice and in the field of workplace health promotion, freelance teacherildung Self-employed
- 1989 - 2002 Physiotherapist (also in leading positions) in clinics, hospital and medical center
- Health promotion, Work and health, Physical activity counselling, Nordic Walking, Gymstick Master trainer, Manual triggerpoint treatment and dry needling, Rehabilitation of the female pelvic floor, clinical reasoning, Maitland manual therapy, functional kinetics
Congress Workshops
SHAW, J.M., HITCHCOCK, R., LEITNER M. (2019) Intra-abdominal Pressure and Daily Living - How a Simple Physical Measurement Can Provide Insight Into Behavior And Health, 6th International Conference on Ambulatory Monitoring of Physical Activity and Movement (ICAMPAM). Maastricht, The Netherlands.
Invited Presentations
Alumni-BFH-Networking Meeting, 2019. Presentation "Physical activity in every day life", Bern, Switzerland
Pelvisuisse Symposium 2018. Keynote-Presentation "Sports and physical activity: beneficial or detrimental for the pelvic floor?", Winterthur, Switzerland
Xylorama-Presentation "Work-Life-Balance - Perspektives from Training and Sports" 2018. Bern University of Applied Sciences-Department Architecture, Wood and Civil Engineering, Biel, Switzerland
Peer-reviewed Publications
LEITNER M, EICHELBERGER P, KOENIG I, RADLINGER L, VON STEIGER A, MARTIN R, (2020). Tuba playing and health, ITEA (International Tuba Euphonium Association) Journal, 47/4:18-27
BALLMER C., EICHELBERGER P., LEITNER M., MOSER H., LUGINBUEHL H., KUHN A., RADLINGER L. (2020). Electromyography of pelvic floor muscles with true differential versus faux differential electrode configuration. International Urogynecology Journal, 31:2051–2059.
LEITNER M, MOSER H, EICHELBERGER P, KUHN A, RADLINGER L. (2019) Pelvic floor muscle activity during fast voluntary contractions in continent and incontinent women. Neurourology and Urodynamics, 38(2), 625-631
LEITNER M, MOSER H, EICHELBERGER P, KUHN A, BAEYENS J-P, RADLINGER L. (2018). Evaluation of pelvic floor kinematics in continent and incontinent women during running: An exploratory study. Neurourology and Urodynamics, 37(2), 609-618.
MOSER H, LEITNER M, EICHELBERGER P, KUHN A, BAEYENS J. P., RADLINGER L. (2018). Pelvic floor muscle activity during jumps in continent and incontinent women: an exploratory study. Archives of gynecology and obstetrics, 297(6), 1455-1463.
LEITNER M, MOSER H, EICHELBERGER P, KUHN A, RADLINGER L. (2017). Evaluation of pelvic floor muscle activity during running in continent and incontinent women: An exploratory study. Neurourology and Urodynamics, 36(6), 1570-1576.
MOSER H, LEITNER M, BAYENS J. P., RADLINGER L. (2018). Pelvic floor muscle activity during impact activities in continent and incontinent women: a systematic review. International urogynecology journal, 29(2), 179-196.
ELFERING A., GREBNER S., LEITNER M., HIRSCHMUELLER A., KUBOSCH E. J., BAUR H. (2017).Quantitative work demands, emotional demands, and cognitive stress symptoms in surgery nurses. Psychology, health & medicine, 22(5), 604-610.
LEITNER M, MOSER H, TAEYMANS J., KUHN A., RADLINGER L. (2015). Pelvic floor muscle displacement during voluntary and involuntary activation in continent and incontinent women: a systematic review. International Urogynecology Journal, 26(11), 1587-1598.
LEITNER M., SCHMID S., HILFIKER R., RADLINGER L. (2011). Test–retest reliability of vertical ground reaction forces during stair climbing in the elderly population. Gait & posture, 34(3), 421-425.
MOSER H, LEITNER M, EICHELBERGER P, KUHN A, BAEYENS JP, RADLINGER L. (2019). Pelvic floor muscle displacement during jumps in continent and incontinent women: An exploratory study. Neurourology and Urodynamics. 2019;38:2374–2382.
HENDRYCKS R, YANG M, HITCHCOCK R, LEITNER M, NIEDERAUER S, NYGAARD I, SHENG X, SHAW J.M. (2019): Temporal trends in trunk flexor endurance and intra-abdominal pressure in postpartum women, Physiotherapy Theory and Practice, DOI: 10.1080/09593985.2019.1686792
KOENIG I, EICHELBERGER P, LEITNER M, MOSER H, KUHN A, TAEYMANS J, RADLINGER L. (2019). Pelvic floor muscle activity patterns in women with and without stress urinary incontinence while running, Annals of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, doi:
Peer-rewiewed Congress Oral Presentations
LEITNER M, RADLINGER L (2020) Urinary incontinence in sports – problem or not? 12. Jahrestagung der sportwissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft der Schweiz (SGS), Basel, Switzerland
LEITNER M, MOSER H, EICHELBERGER P, KUHN A, RADLINGER L. (2019) Intra-session-reliability of pelvic floor muscle electromyography during running in continent and stress urinary incontinent women, World Confederation of Physical Therapy, Congress, Geneva, Switzerland.
LEITNER M, MOSER H, EICHELBERGER P, KUHN A, BAYENS J.P, RADLINGER L. (2017) Evaluation of pelvic floor kinematics in continent and incontinent women during running: An exploratory study. An exploratory study (Abstract), International Continence Society (ICS) 47th Annual Meeting, Florence, Italy.
LEITNER M, BLASIMANN A, DUBACH B, BAUR H, (2014). Effects of whole body vibration on musculoskeletal complaints of surgery staff, 3rd International Conference on Human Factors
and Ergonomics in Healthcare, Krakau, Poland.LEITNER M, SCHMID S, HILFIKER R, ROGAN S, RADLINGER L. (2011). Reliability of vertical ground reaction forces during stair climbing in the elderly population, World Confederation of Physical Therapy
Congress 2011, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Peer-rewiewed Congress Poster Presentations
LEITNER M, HITCHCOCK R. (2021). Intra-abdominal Pressure, New Insights for Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy. World Confederation for Physical Therapy, Online Congress, 2021.
BALLMER C, EICHELBERGER P, LEITNER M, MOSER H, LUGINBUEHL H, KUHN A, RADLINGER L. (2019). Electromyography of pelvic floor muscles with true differential versus faux differential electrode configuration: An exploratory study, World Confederation for Physical Therapy, Congress, Geneva, Switzerland.
LEITNER M, MOSER H, EICHELBERGER P, KUHN A, RADLINGER L. (2018). Reliability of pelvic floor muscle electromyography during running in continent and stress urinary incontinent women. International Continence Society (ICS) 48th Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, USA.
LEITNER M, MOSER H, EICHELBERGER P, KUHN A, RADLINGER L. (2018). Pelvic floor muscle activity during fast voluntary contractions in continent and incontinent women. International Urogynecological Association (IUGA) Congress, Vienna, Austria.
LEITNER M, MOSER H, EICHELBERGER P, KUHN A, BAYENS J.P, RADLINGER L. (2017). Evaluation of pelvic floor kinematics in continent and incontinent women during running, International Urogynecological Association (IUGA) Congress, Vancouver, Canada.
LEITNER M, MOSER H., TAEYMANS J, KUHN A, RADLINGER L. (2015). Pelvic floor muscle displacement during voluntary and involuntary activation in continent and incontinent women: a systematic Review, World Confederation for Physical Therapy, Congress, Singapore.
LEITNER M, SCHMID S, HILFIKER R, RADLINGER L. (2012). Test-Retest-Reliabilität vertikaler Bodenreaktionskräfte beim Treppensteigen in der älteren Bevölkerung, Physioswiss Kongress, Geneva, Switzerland.
Non-peer-reviewed Publications
LEITNER, M., 2013. Betriebliche Gesundheitsförderung – eine lohnende Investition. Beitrag in FREQUENZ, 2013
LEITNER, M., 2013. Masterthesis zur Erlangung des Master of Science in Sports Physiotherapy: "Test-Retest-Reliabilität vertikaler Bodenreaktionskräfte beim Treppensteigen älterer Menschen"
LEITNER, M., RADLINGER L. 2011. Rückentraining - was wirkt? - Was der Rücken eigentlich braucht. Die Säule
LEITNER, M. 2006. Masterthesis zur Erlangung des Master of Advanced Studies in Health and Fitness: „Die Bedeutung körperlicher Aktivität bei chronischen lumbalen Rückenschmerzen - Nordic Walking als therapeutische Intervention“
LEITNER, M. 1994. „Körperbeziehung – Die Kunst im Körper zu Hause zu sein“ IGNIS-Werkstattblätter
LEITNER, M. 2003. Abschlussarbeit der ErgonPt®-Ausbildung: „Multiplikatoren-Schulung PostAuto Aargau“