Dr. Franziska Götze


Dr. Franziska Götze Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin

  • Contact hours Tuesday
  • Address Berner Fachhochschule
    School of Agricultural, Forest and Food Sciences HAFL
    Fachbereich Food Science & Management
    Länggasse 85
    3052 Zollikofen


  • Head of the research group ‘Sustainability analyses and assessments for the food industry and consumer behaviour’

  • Teaching and module responsibility

  • Acquisition and implementation of research and service projects

  • Supervision of student theses (Master's, Bachelor's and semester theses)

  • Demand analyses in the food sector

  • Meat and fish consumption and meat alternatives

  • Demand for organic food

  • Sustainable food consumption and sustainable food systems


  • F6 Journal Club “Food and Nutrition Sciences” (Master's module, module coordinator)

  • AF-13 Quality Management, Traceability and Corporate Responsibility (Master's module)

  • AF-12 Consumer Behavior, Markets and Trade (Master's module)

  • Scientific working and writing (Bachelor's module)

  • Methods of data collection (Bachelor's module)


  • Consumption and consumer behaviour with regard to food

  • Perception, preferences and acceptance of food

  • Sustainable consumption patterns and demand analyses in a regional and international context

  • Segmentation of consumers

  • Participatory and interdisciplinary research for more sustainable housing, nutrition and lifestyles

  • Social inequalities in access to sustainable and healthy foods

  • Perception and acceptance of new foods, e.g. meat alternatives and insects


  • Since 2016 Research Associate for Consumer Behaviour Bern University of Applied Sciences BFH, School of Agricultural, Forest and Food Sciences HAFL
  • 2016 Research Associate Agroscope, Institute for Sustainablity Sciences ISS, Socioeconomics
  • 2013-2016 PhD student Agroscope, Institute for Sustainablity Sciences ISS, Socioeconomics & University of Bonn, Chair of Economic and Agricultural Policy
  • 2019 Doctor of Agricultural Sciences (Dr. agr.) University of Bonn, Germany
  • 2012 Master of Science in Agricultural Economics (M. Sc.) Humboldt University of Berlin, Germany
  • 2007 Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Sciences (B. Sc.) University of Göttingen, Germany


  • The «whey» against food waste: Achieving sustainable local bioeconomy clusters through byproduct valorization

  • Estimation of demand elasticities for different foods

  • Better Taste! Less waste. Methodology development: Food acceptance, food intake and plate waste. A pilot study in Swiss school canteens.

  • "Säuelen, böckelen, gräselen": How do false aromas develop in meat and how can they be avoided? (project finalised)

  • Development of a Food Lexicon of Tamil Food and Beverages (project finalised)

  • Agrifood & Tourism Grindelwald/Switzerland (project finalised)

  • Consumption of agricultural products (Federal Office for Agriculture – FOAG) (project finalised)

  • 3D printing of food products (project finalised)

  • Promotion of regional products in community gastronomy – Analysis of the procurement and logistics structure in community gastronomy for regional foodstuffs in the canton of Aargau (project finalised)

  • The tasty, healthy and sustainable alternative to meat (project finalised)



Supervised theses

  • Möller, E. Konsumentenpräferenz in Bezug auf Lammfleisch – Eine qualitative Studie in der Deutschschweiz 2019

  • Valori, Y. Welche Rolle spielt die Nachhaltigkeit beim Käsekonsum? 2019

  • Hofstetter, E. Einfluss des Tierwohls auf den Kaufentscheid von Bio-Konsument / innen beim Kauf von tierischen Bio-Lebensmitteln 2018

  • Löffel, M. 5 am Tag – Ursachen eines geringen Früchte- und Gemüsekonsums 2018

  • Recher, B. Bern: Die lebendige Food-Hauptstadt – Welche Ansprüche und Vorstellungen haben nachhaltigkeitsbewusste Berner Food Pioniere von einem regionalen und nachhaltigen Ernährungssystem? 2018

  • Zaugg, T. Aquakultur – Möglichkeit zur Diversifikation der Schweizer Landwirtschaft 2018

  • Waeber, B. Einstellung von Schweizer Landwirten gegenüber Fleischalternativen 2017

  • Maurer, N. Ernährung im Schweizer Militär Zufriedenheit und Bedürfnisse 2017

  • Ackermann, L.E. Bedeutung von Fleisch in der Schweizer Bevölkerung: Eine qualitative Studie mit jungen Schweizer Eltern 2019

  • Christen, M. Nudging in der Gemeinschaftsgastronomie – Eine qualitative Metaanalyse 2019

  • Gysin, C. Fermentierte Lebensmittel: Wie steht es um das Wissen der Schweizer Konsumentinnen und Konsumenten? 2019

  • Jäggi, A. Social Media und Food: Was wir bisher wissen (Gemüse und Früchte) 2019

  • Tröhler, U. Tierwohl in der Schweizer Schweinehaltung – Wissensstand und Informationsbedürfnis von Konsumentinnen und Konsumenten 2019

  • Hodel, S. Der Schweizer Lammfleischmarkt – Eine Übersicht und Analyse der aktuellen Marktsituation 2018

  • Steinmann, S.J. Fischkonsum in der Schweiz: Das Konsumentenverhalten beim Kauf von Fisch 2018

Language skills and intercultural knowledge

  • German - Native or bilingual proficiency
  • English - Full professional proficiency
  • French - Professional working proficiency
  • Germany
  • Switzerland
  • Viet Nam