Public Sector Procurement and Law - Specialisation
Do you want to gain a deeper and broader understanding of public procurement? This course will enable you to expand your existing procurement skills to include important specialisations.
Public procurement is constantly evolving, with new opportunities emerging, but also new limitations. Joint procurement allows the interests of the contracting authorities to be pooled, leading to better conditions. Studies and competitions test the suppliers' potential for innovation. A meaningful product group and assortment strategy enables strategic procurement management. In addition, ongoing digitalisation, technological developments and new legislation require well-thought-out IT procurements.
If you want to competently tackle these complex challenges of today's procurement system, then the ‘CAS Public Procurement – Specialisation’ is the right continuing education programme for you:
- You will learn how to negotiate with providers and conduct challenging discussions.
- You will draft legally sound procurement contracts and know how to resolve disputes.
- You will understand the strategic relevance of procurement and have a holistic view of the market situation.
- You will define the right procurement criteria for IT projects and services.
- You can answer questions about data protection and sustainability in IT procurements.
- You are familiar with the possibilities and limitations of joint procurements, functional tenders, competitions and study contracts.
For further information and registration, please visit the German website.
- Degree/Certificate Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS)
- Duration 18 study days
- Schedule see schedule
- Application deadline 6 weeks before start, later registration also possible if places are available
- ECTS credits 12 ECTS-credits
- Costs CHF 8’500
- Teaching language German
- Location Bern, Schwarztorstrasse 48
- School Business School
- Next session Please visit the German website for more information