Rebuild Ukraine

CAS Rebuild Ukraine is a practice-oriented advanced training programme targeted at Ukrainians with protection status S, and also Ukrainians already living in Switzerland, and people from aid organizations that are interested in rebuilding Ukraine. It will enable participants to evaluate, co-design and lead projects for rebuilding Ukraine, e.g. reconstruction of buildings and infrastructure.

During this programme participants will:

  • learn on sustainability approaches in rebuilding processes, circular economy principles and energy efficiency

  • learn and use methods, instruments and software for assessing damages of houses and infrastructure

  • plan the supply of critical resources (supply chains), temporary and permanent water and electricity supply and understand the role of energy grids and power stations

  • deal with planning of settlements, rural and urban areas (smart villages and smart cities)

  • acquire knowledge for the design of buildings using wood and hybrid construction methods

  • learn about digital approaches in construction based on the Building Information Modelling (BIM) method

  • learn about the political framework conditions for the rebuilding process in Ukraine.

A day at CAS


  • Degree/Certificate Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS) Rebuild Ukraine
  • Duration Approx. 6 months (130 contact lessons / 160 self-study lessons)
  • Schedule See time schedule
  • Application deadline 18 of september 2024
  • ECTS credits 12 ECTS-Credits
  • Costs CHF 6'500.-
    Costs can be covered by a company sponsorship (see "Sponsorship")
  • Teaching language English (Level B2)
  • Location Biel, Lucerne, Rapperswil, Zurich
  • School School of Architecture, Wood and Civil Engineering
  • Next session 24.10.2024 - 7.5.2025

Content and Structure

The war in Ukraine has had fatal consequences for the Ukrainian population. Important infrastructure, private and public buildings, as well as supply networks have been destroyed. The Ukrainian population therefore lacks the basis for a safe and peaceful life. The war has also had disastrous consequences for the environment.

CAS Rebuild Ukraine aims to make a concrete and sustainable contribution to reconstruction in Ukraine. It offers the participants the opportunity to learn on how to help in rebuilding their country. The CAS aims at empowering participants of the program with a background in construction to play an active and long-term role in the reconstruction of their country.

Structure of modules

The programme is divided into four modules and covers relevant topics related to reconstruction.

Upon completion of the CAS, our students will be able to put their knowledge into practice - whether it be in the form of an internship or an employment. Would you like to support them? Do you work in the construction, timber or real estate industry and are you willing to give our students an insight into your daily work? Or are you looking for qualified employees who care about sustainability, resource efficiency and circular economy? Are you planning a business project involving Ukraine? Our students can be your link to the Ukrainian market. With their expertise and cultural understanding, they will help your project to succeed. Attention aid organisations working to rebuild Ukraine! We have a pool of talented specialists  who are eager to contribute their skills and make a lasting impact. Get in touch with us!

Companies in the Swiss timber, construction and real estate industries, associations, organisations or even individuals can help Ukrainian refugees (mostly women) participate in the CAS Rebuild Ukraine by taking over their fees and expenses, which amount to CHF 8,000 in total.

With your sponsorship, you support a refugee’s career development, you offer their family new perspectives and you help a region in Ukraine through the reconstruction project in which the person is involved.

Support a student during the CAS and beyond! Become part of a network of individuals, companies and organisations in beautiful Ukraine!

We have received enough sponsorships for the current CAS (October 2023 - April 2024). This is a testament to the incredible solidarity and enthusiasm that our partners and our community have shown for this initiative. For the next implementation (autumn 2024 - spring 2025), we are already gratefully accepting applications for sponsorships.

Creating and growing  a network on a personal, professional, educational as well as scientific and entrepreneurial basis is central to the CAS Rebuild Ukraine. We are asking all interested companies, institutions, associations, working groups at home and abroad to support our students by offering the broadest possible network. Please contact us and become our network member. We will put you in touch with the participants of the CAS.

Objectives of the programme

You will be able to...

  • use modern software for the analysis of damages and know the processes of damage analysis
  • use and apply optical instruments
  • classify rubble and war debris for the reuse of resources and for use as new building materials
  • assess the use of temporary and permanent constructions
  • apply the "Building Information Modelling (BIM)" method in a target-oriented way and
  • understand new sustainable construction methods
  • learn about Prefabrication and Modular Construction principles
  • understand the principles of heating supply in buildings
  • understand the role of supply chains (food supply and supply of essential goods) in the construction
  • understand the role of energy centres and grids and describe how water and electricity supply are ensured
  • understand the concepts of transport and accessibility
  • design a settlement development plan and establish a network of companies for construction process
  • evaluate procurement projects in terms of quality and sustainability
  • learn principles of corporate governance
  • identify corruption risks in construction projects and know strategies to prevent corruption as well as the international conventions to fight corruption (Transparency International)
  • outline concepts for the implementation of equal opportunities
  • understand EU green recovery policy and ESG (Environment-Social-Governance) as well as the requirements for Ukraine's accession to the EU.

Module description

The modules description informs about the content of the programme and the competences to be acquired. We will be happy to send you the detailed module description on your request.


  • Objectives of the CAS "Rebuild Ukraine"
  • Introduction to modules and competencies to be learnt
  • Attendance instruction: Getting to know the campus

Module 1: Digital skills in construction

  • Food supply and supply of essential goods (supply chains) 
  • Damage analysis software (inventory, damage assessment), project management
  • Scanning tools (BIM2field, Field2BIM), X-ray analyses        
  • Digital construction according to the BIM method             
  • Area, settlement, site and urban development   
  • European network of construction companies

Module 2: Engineering of buildings               

  • Damage analysis and decision-making on reconstruction or dismantling and new construction. In coordination with the "Ministry of Digital Transformation" and the "Ministry of Reintegration of Temporarily Occupied Territories".               
  • Design and construction of temporary and permanent shelters and new buildings
  • Reconstruction of collective centres for the internally displaced persons. Communal facilities such as kindergartens, schools, health institutions, warehouses, etc.
  • Housing solutions for multiple use: from temporary to definitive housing
  • Recycling, reuse, second life concepts
  • Urban mining: using waste for new buildings
  • District heating (produced in a central facility)
  • Circular economy        
  • Sustainability

Module 3: Engineering of infrastructure

  • Water supply: temporary and definitive
  • Power supply: temporary and definitive          
  • Sustainable, renewable energy concepts (solar, wind, water)   
  • Reconstruction/redesign of energy centres and grids
  • Public transportation in construction projects: air traffic, rail traffic, transport of goods
  • Restoration/redesign of roads, paths, railways, bridges and crossings            

Module 4: Cross-cutting issues (sustainability, circular economy, corruption prevention)

  • Corruption prevention
  • Gender Equality
  • Sustainability and Green Deal
  • Project management method IOOI

The programme was developed in close cooperation with experts from business, science, research and public authorities. Participants will work on real case studies and apply the knowledge they have gained directly to their professional activities. The involvement in projects that have already been implemented and planned ensures a high level practical orientation of the CAS. In order to learn the knowledge and skills in the most comprehensive, multi-layered and varied approaches, the following forms of teaching will be used in combination:

  • Face-to-face and online teaching
  • Input presentations by recognised specialists and experts
  • The latest findings from research and development will be incorporated 
  • Discussions and interaction with experts
  • Coaching and personal support
  • Group work and practical exercises
  • Best practice examples
  • Interdisciplinary group work on projects set in Ukraine
  • BuildingSMART certificate
  • Public presentation of projects developed during CAS (presentation of project results)

Degree and certificate

Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS) in "Rebuild Ukraine"


Educational partners

The CAS Rebuild Ukraine is a cooperative CAS. The following universities and enterprises take over parts of the teaching:

Bildungspartner CAS Wiederaufbau Ukraine

Requirements and admission

Refugee women from Ukraine and Ukrainians* who have been living in Switzerland for a long time with the following professional background:

  • Architecture
  • Planning, civil and industrial engineering, buildings construction
  • Infrastructure constructions, energy and water supply, building services engineering
  • Spatial and urban planning, settlement development, landscape architecture, restoration of historical heritage
  • Site and settlement development
  • Natural and environmental science
  • Executing companies
  • Decision-makers and authorities

Members of aid organizations that will participate in the reconstruction effort.

Academic requirements

  • University degree (university of applied sciences, higher education with practical experience)
  • Admissions are also possible "sur dossier" without a university degree if you have a higher vocational education qualification and at least  three years professional experience as well as preliminary scientific and methodological knowledge.

Language skills

English level (B2 or equivalent)

To be transmitted

Letter of motivation


SBB Halbtax abonnement

Structure and registration

The CAS comprises a total of around 130 teaching hours (incl. excursions, proof of competence, exercises and presentation of the certificate thesis), spread over around 16 study days during 4 months.

Independent work and exercises and the preparation of the CAS project will amount to approx. 200 hours.

The exact teaching days can be found in the programme schedule.  (will follow from WB Admin)

CHF 6'500.- incl. e-copy of the course material.

Costs for meals, overnight stays, parking fees, as well as any travel, food and accommodation costs for excursions are not included.


30 motivated Ukrainians (mainly women-refugees) have been enrolled in the Program and currently work on six projects co-designed with Swiss and Ukrainian partners. These projects aim to rebuild Ukraine.


Selected works are part of the exhibition "European Shelters" at the Kornhausforum Bern.

Would you also like to enable refugee women to participate in the CAS Rebuild Ukraine?

We are still looking for sponsors for the next CAS in October 2024.

Autumn semester 2023

Project Team

Lesia Cherkas, Nataliia Volkodav, Olena Yemets, Iryna Zolotoverkh, Iryna Iakhno

Project Team

Olena Orap, Hanna Zaporozhets, Anna Gulko, Anna Gribachova, Olga Kostenko

Project Team

Dmytro Vovk, Maksym Danyliuk, Maryna Metsger, Alla Oliinyk, Kateryna Vynogradova in cooperation with SCDH

Project Team

Olena Bondar, Anastasiia Bilous, Olena Starodub, Tetiana Popovych, Olga Yakymovych

Project Team

Ievgeniia Rudnytska, Iryna Kilko, Liliia Shvets, Alexandra Deineka, Mykola Redko

Project Team

Galyna Chos, Yevheniia Kozyr, Hanna Stepanenko, Yevgen Getman, Igor Storchak

Project Team

Alevtyna Serdiuk, Viktoria Viktorova, Viktoria Kshishnevska, Kseniia Diadechko, Aleksandr Koshechkin

Project Team

Anastasiia Biliaieva, Eugenia Bayer, Nataliia Hradanovych, Igor Krasovskiy, Veronika Dudak

SUST-Transfer Project

Project Team

Anastasiia Lykholai, Mariia Afanasenko, Yuliia Halushko, Khrystyna Masliak, Julia Matushkina

Project Team

Anastasiia Ovcharenko, Nataliia Popyk, Yuliia Okarinska, Nadiia Reznik, Alina Mykhailova

Project Team

Olha Afanasenko, Halyna Ilyasevych Rauber, Vira Musiienko, Olesia Petrova, Halyna Yakovenko

Project Team

Nataliia Terekhova, Oleksandra Shpylova, Maryna Topuz, Dinis Berdnyk, Valentyna Rips

Thank you for sponsoring us: