Master Multimedia Communication & Publishing

The Master Multimedia Communication & Publishing strengthens your professional and leadership skills in political communication or journalism.

27.11.2024, 12.30pm–7pm – HKB, Holzikofenweg 8, 3007 Bern and online

Q: Do I need to know German to start the degree program?
A: German at a high level is a requirement for this degree because language is the "raw material" we work with and because writing publishable texts requires this competency.

Q: What percentage can I work while studying?
A: The face-to-face classes of the compulsory modules take place on Thursday, Friday, sometimes on Saturday. For independent study, students organize themselves. Individually and in groups. Full-time students have face-to-face classes every week during the semester; part-time students also have weeks without classes, depending on how they arrange their studies. Part-time, as well as full-time students, usually work while studying. We recommend that you do not commit to more than 60% so that you can devote sufficient energy to your studies.

Q: When do I have to take which module?
A: Our experience shows that the modules Editing I and II should be taken in the first and second semester. These modules are necessarily consecutive in time as well, because an editorial team works together for a year and then also publishes. The individual planning of when you take the other modules is up to you. However, you must keep in mind that the content is consecutive and that each module is only ever offered either in the fall semester or in the spring semester.

Q: Can I do a semester abroad?
A: In principle, yes. Recommended is then the third semester. Let us advise you. We are in the process of arranging partnerships with various universities specific to the program.

Q: Can I also take courses from other programs at BUA?
A: There are a number of courses (called GK courses) that can be taken by all students in the Design and Art faculty. They usually take place on Wednesdays. The ECTS are credited to the free ECTS of the program.

Q: Do I need to know my master's thesis topic when I start the program?
A: No, you do not have to. You will have the opportunity to approach your topic coached by experts in the modules Research Methods I and II.


Translated online

Information Event at Holzikofenweg


  • Lunch: Sandwiches and fruits
  • Open doors to all rooms at Fellerstrasse11 and Holzikofenweg 8


  • Welcome: Felicity Lunn
  • Tour, location Holzikofenweg 8


BSc MMP: Presentation

Online event via Zoom

(Zoom link will be activated on 25 November 2024)


Welcome: Felicity Lunn

Simultaneous presentations of the following study programmes, selected according to personal interest (Zoom Breakout Rooms):

  • MA Art Education
  • MA Design
  • MA MCP
    • with Evelyn Echle (Head of the degree programme), Melanie Eberhard (Head of the specialisation «Politische Kommunikation»), Heiner Butz (Head of the specialisation «Journalismus») und Baldassare Scolari (Head of the modules «Theorie und Methoden der Medienforschung») as well as Shkurte Sulejmani (Assistentin MA MCP) and master studierenden


If you have any questions about the programme or the application process, you may contact the secretary's office or schedule a personal meeting.


  • Start date 27.11.2024, 12.30pm–7pm
    Add to calendar
  • Place HKB, Holzikofenweg 8, 3007 Bern and online