Range of services + fields of research
In the academy-practice partnership, the Bern University of Applied Sciences and the Insel Gruppe utilise synergies: practice and science research, develop and teach together. The focus is on the disciplines of nutrition and dietetics, obstetrics, nursing and physiotherapy and their interprofessional added value.
Our current strategic focus is on the following topics:
Implementation in clinical practice
We want to improve the quality of care with our projects. The relevance of our research for clinical practice is central. The implementation and evaluation of new processes and concepts is therefore a focus of our activities.
Technology and digitalisation
We address the digital transformation in the healthcare sector in various contexts. The development of new technology applications and their use in clinical practice are at the centre of this.
Lifestyle Interventions
We develop and evaluate lifestyle interventions with the aim of supporting a health-promoting lifestyle or the achievement of therapeutic goals. Depending on the target group, the interventions take into account the lifestyle areas of sleep, nutrition, exercise, relaxation, social relationships and independence from addictive substances.
Interprofessional collaboration (IPC) is a central element of clinical care. In our projects, we are investigating various aspects of interprofessionalism in order to promote IPC.
The working environment in the healthcare sector is challenging. We therefore conduct research in the area of leadership to support evidence-based leadership.