Primary Care Social Work
Social workers already work in medical
practices in other countries, but the service is lacking in Switzerland. To enable the model to be implemented and researched in this country, the BFH launched a project with pilot practices.
- Schools involved School of Social Work
- Institute(s) Institute for Organisation and Social Service Management
- Funding organisation Innosuisse
- Duration 01.03.2020 - 28.02.2022
- Head of project Andrea Susanne Vogel-Kissling
Project staff
Prof. Dr. Christoph Gehrlach
Katharina Eiler
Fabienne Schüpbach
Salome Schenk - Keywords Prevention, Primary health care, Social work
Research on health inequality clearly shows that social and financial factors are among the biggest determinants of health. Family doctors (GPs) are often the first point of contact for people with concerns that are on the face of it medical but which hide financial, social or personal crises. As a person of trust they often have a unique opportunity to identify biopsychosocial problems and offer professional help in good time. Having a social worker in the medical practice facilitates easy and reliable referrals and targeted support, and prevents patients from getting into a downward health and social spiral.
Course of action
From 2020 the project will accompany and evaluate existing and newly-offered practice social workers as well as the relevant cooperation set-ups.