Visualisation Sustainable Real Estate Management

The Digital Sustainability Lab was commissioned by the Sustainable Real Estate Management Department of the City of Bern to implement a tool for managing the department's properties.


  • Lead school Business School
  • Institute(s) Institute for Public Sector Transformation
  • Research unit(s) Digital Sustainability Lab
  • Funding organisation Others
  • Duration (planned) 01.10.2021 - 30.06.2024
  • Project management Livia Hochstrasser
  • Head of project Livia Hochstrasser
  • Project staff Livia Hochstrasser
  • Keywords sustainability, realestate


Immobilien Stadt Bern manages its properties according to ecological, economic and social aspects. Real estate as a resource should be maintained and thus preserved for future generations in accordance with the principles of sustainable development. From September 2022, a new software was introduced at Immobilien Stadt Bern, creating new challenges for sustainable property management. Therefore a new tool was introduced for sustainable property management, that reflects data already collected regarding these properties, and will further be enriched with additional data. This expanded data will then serve as the basis for the analyses for the sustainability assessments of the buildings. The new tool, which supports and facilitates this workflow, is used for this data aggregation and the final data analysis.

Course of action

In a first step, requirement engineering was carried out and the specifications derived from this were then implemented.


The Digital Sustainability Lab was commissioned by the Sustainable Property Management Department department of the City of Bern to implement a tool for managing properties that records and aggregates data for each building and displays a sustainability rosette for each building based on predefined factors.

Looking ahead

The project was terminated after several years of collaboration, as the introduction of new systems within the department offered an integrated solution.

This project contributes to the following SDGs

  • 9: Industry, innovation and infrastructure