
Campus4Biodiversity provides future stakeholders in the building sector with knowledge, tools and networks so that they can work to increase biodiversity in urban spaces.


  • Lead school School of Architecture, Wood and Civil Engineering
  • Institute(s) Institute for Building Materials and Biobased Products IBBM
  • Research unit(s) Materials and Life Cycle Assessment group FGWO
  • Funding organisation Others
  • Duration (planned) 15.12.2021 - 15.06.2023
  • Project management Prof. Dr. Heiko Thömen
  • Head of project Barbora Starovicova
  • Project staff Katrin Künzi
    Urs Stalder
    Céline Känzig
    Timea Rusz
  • Keywords Biodiversity, Sustainability, Construction


Ecosystems and species provide countless services that are essential for human survival. Yet despite the 1992 UN Convention on Biological Diversity and the 2012 Swiss Biodiversity Strategy Action Plan, species extinction is accelerating worldwide. Switzerland is particularly hard hit: In this country, almost half of the habitats and more than a third of the species are threatened (SCNAT 2019). In particular, the loss of land through the development of settlements and urban spaces, as well as demands for internal densification, are continuously increasing the pressure on ecosystems and species. In order to counteract this fatal trend, it is important to bring together actors in the construction industry, to sensitise them to the problem and to provide them with knowledge, tools and networks to improve the state of biodiversity in urban spaces. In particular, planning actors in the field of construction should integrate the topic of biodiversity and its interrelationships more strongly into their work processes and take advantage of valuable opportunities in the design of outdoor spaces. In this way, solutions should be found together to improve the state of biodiversity in urban spaces.

Course of action

Together with scaling4good, BFH-AHB is developing a transformative teaching approach for increasing biodiversity in urban areas for universities of applied sciences and universities with specialisations in the construction sector. In doing so, we are working together with a local partner. The concept is based on the experiences from two experimental teaching projects at BFH-AHB, "Mission AH*B" & "Campus4Biodiversity", and the experiences from the scaling4good project "Shaping nature in settlements". The teaching concept is based on the following elements: - Imparting expertise on the topic of biodiversity by means of different knowledge transfer approaches, generating a sense of personal responsibility & strengthening self-efficacy. - Joint development of solutions for rapid & local implementation for a timely ecological impact. Transformative work that provides a framework for changing perspectives & broadening perspectives. Promoting transdisciplinarity and thereby awakening the interest of women & girls in careers in the construction sector. - Development of scaling approaches to other universities of applied sciences and universities as well as further training for other campuses, municipalities & cantons - Involvement of relevant stakeholders such as owners, investors, planners, administrators, facility management, building biologists, etc. - Examination of the quality of the projects by experts in the field of biodiversity in settlement areas and in the building sector


The result will be a new, transformative teaching concept for universities with specialisations in the building sector. In the process, needs, challenges and approaches to solutions for introducing the topics of biodiversity and quality of life in urban spaces will be defined. Another project goal is to ensure or improve the scalability of the teaching approach.

Looking ahead

In the near future, we plan to include the topic of biodiversity in the BFH-AHB curriculum. In the long term, young professionals from the construction industry should be prepared to develop transdisciplinary solutions for biodiversity promotion when they enter their professional lives. The project should contribute to increasing biodiversity on Swiss campuses, municipalities and cantons in urban areas. In addition, a reduction of the urban temperature in summer through increased shading and greening and thus an improvement of the microclimate in Swiss cities. A broad exchange with and at other universities for a scaling effect is expected.

This project contributes to the following SDGs

  • 3: Good health and well-being
  • 4: Quality education
  • 5: Gender equality
  • 11: Sustainable cities and communities
  • 12: Responsible consumption and production
  • 13: Climate action
  • 15: Life on land