Qevaluation 2024

In 2024, the BFH is again commissioned by H+ to conduct an independent evaluation of the improvement in the quality of care provided by healthcare providers.


  • Lead school School of Health Professions
  • Institute(s) Nursing
  • Research unit(s) Innovation in the Field of Quality in the Health Sector
  • Funding organisation Others
  • Duration 01.03.2024 - 31.07.2024
  • Project management Dr. Silvia Thomann
  • Head of project Dr. Silvia Thomann
    Niklaus Stefan Bernet
  • Project staff Leonie Roos
  • Partner H+ Die Spitäler der Schweiz
  • Keywords Quality, Evaluation, Healthcare


According to the Swiss Federal Health Insurance Act (KVG/LAMal, Art. 56 Para. 3bis), healthcare providers do not have to pass on discounts on therapeutic products in full to the payers if they are used to demonstrably improve the quality of care. To this end, H+ has drawn up an agreement with the insurance companies/purchasing groups, which the healthcare providers can join (Agreement concerning the non-total passing on of discounts according to Art. 56 para. 3bis KVG). As part of this agreement, H+ is responsible for evaluating the overall improvement in the quality of care achieved through the agreement. In order to fulfil this obligation, H+ has again commissioned BFH in 2024 to carry out an independent evaluation based on scientific criteria and to prepare a corresponding evaluation report for the client (H+) and the insurance companies for reporting to the Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH).

This project contributes to the following SDGs

  • 3: Good health and well-being