Social Work

With a Bachelor of Science in Social Work, you can support people living in challenging circumstances. You can work towards ensuring equal opportunities.

The programme is your entry to all professional areas of social work. You will benefit from a flexible study model, personal mentorship as you develop a professional identity, and a range of insights into practice. Civic engagement is recognised as learning achievement.

Welcome to the Social Work degree programme at BFH!

Begin your studies in September 2025.


  • Title/Degree Bachelor of Science in Social Work
  • Specialisations Biographical challenges and conduct of life
    Diversity and social space
    Education and socialisation
    Social change and participation
  • Mode of study Full-time (6 semesters)
    Part-time (7-10 semesters)
  • Start date Autumn semester 2025: 8 September 2025
    Spring semester 2026: 9 February 2026
  • Application deadline Autumn semester 2025: 3 March 2025
    Spring semester 2026: 18 August 2025
  • ECTS credits 180 ECTS credits
  • Teaching language German | plus 2 modules in another language
  • Location Bern
  • School School of Social Work

This degree programme is offered in German. For detailed information, please go to the German page.