Business Administration

The world of business is changing. If you want to help shape that change, you will need entrepreneurial, digital and sustainable management skills.
You can acquire those by taking our Master’s in Business Administration: we give students the practical skills that are needed for the future.

Begin your studies in autumn 2025!


  • Title/Degree Master of Science (MSc) in Business Administration
  • Specialisations Corporate/Business Development
  • Mode of study Part-time (standard study period: 4 semesters)
    Teaching days: Friday / Saturday
  • Start date CW 38
  • Application deadline 31 July (place guaranteed until 30 April)
  • ECTS credits 90 ECTS credits
  • Teaching language German, English
  • Location Bern

Focus areas

Become a change maker with us! Our Master’s in Business Administration will help you develop specialist expertise and entrepreneurial spirit. Choose focus areas to suit your needs.

What you will gain with your degree

Our Master’s in Business Administration is designed to support you on your career path and qualify you to work in business development, managing complex projects or in management roles in organisations of all sizes.

Alondside compulsory courses, we offer you the opportunity to set individual focal points in the compulsory-elective modules as part of the specialisation.

And if you are interested in gaining international experience, you can opt for an exchange semester or a Double Degree at one of our international partner universities.

Career prospects

After completing the programme, you will be in a position to actively shape current and future transformations in your organisation and to take on challenging leadership roles.

Ready for challenging leadership and expert roles?

Your degree will open doors to roles in medium and larger companies, public administration, non-profit organisations and international corporations.

Our graduates work in the following fields:

  • Business Development Manager (e.g. Project Manager Corporate/Business Development),
  • Business Consultant/Analyst (internal/external business consultancy, strategy development),
  • Managing demanding, complex projects (e.g. interdisciplinary, international),
  • General management roles in SMEs or in business units/profit centres of major corporations, etc.

Duration + Content

You should have no difficulty balancing the Master’s in Business Administration with your career. Teaching takes place on Fridays and Saturdays. We believe you can manage a 60–70% workload alongside your studies.

Part-time studies

Classroom teaching takes place on Fridays and Saturdays (exception: block sessions in the 1st and 4th semesters and exams). 

The Master’s programme typically takes four semesters. It is possible to work while studying. We recommend 60-70%. Need more time for your studies? No problem: you have the option of extending your study period for extra flexibility.

Study schedule

Structure of the MSc in Business Administration Enlarge image

Structure of academic year

Are you someone who likes to plan ahead? Our programme structure and module plans are here to help you.

The module groups

The master’s degree programme is made up of three module groups.

This is the basis of the master’s programme. 

You will:

  • learn how to classify information and data correctly
  • and make it available in a format that suits practical purposes

You will:

  • learn to apply forward-looking, management-oriented methodologies for analysis, problem-solving and decision-making
  • be able to use these general leadership skills to develop the company and business in a digital and sustainable manner

The module group ‘Corporate/Business Development’ represents the specialisation at the heart of this master’s degree and examines the functional (strategic, financial, organisational, sustainability-based) challenges involved in transforming a business.

The modules focus on the development of entrepreneurial, digital and sustainable management skills.

The compulsory modules

The MSc in Business Administration includes compulsory modules that you must take. 

You will

  • gain an understanding of the scientific principles of decision-making and develop this understanding as a central management skill in an in-depth simulation
  • develop your ability to apply entrepreneurial thinking and reflect on decision-making and management skills

You will

  • learn the principles and methodology of requirements analysis (what) and solution development (how) with a focus on the problem-solving, idea-generating approach known as design thinking
  • work on practical issues facing a real business

You will

  • examine the key characteristics and consequences of the digitalisation of business and society with a focus on sustainable strategic business development
  • examine the key aspects involved in drawing up and implementing a digital transformation strategy

You will

  • focus on an integrated understanding of sustainability with an economic, environmental and social dimension
  • examine new, sustainable business models, where responsible use of the company’s and the environment’s resources goes hand-in-hand with new economic opportunities and development potential

You will 

  • systematically learn to evaluate the quality and veracity of information and to distinguish academic theories from commonly held beliefs (conspiracy theories)
  • familiarise yourself with the academic research process and critically evaluate different sources of information 

You will 

  • learn different scientific methods (quantitative and qualitative) in hands-on workshops
  • apply them to your reasearch topic

You will 

  • independently carry out and document an empirical piece of research
  • follow the phases of a prototypical research process, academically substantiating, reflecting on and evaluating your decisions

The compulsory-elective modules

The compulsory-elective modules allow you to select individual focus areas for your studies by gaining up to 12 ECTS credits in other master’s programmes offered by the Business School at BFH or at our partner universities. 

Businesses create value by responding to customer needs with a constant flow of new products and services. In this module, you will learn:

  • how to develop new products successfully
  • which techniques and tools can be used
  • what role aspects such as culture and leadership play

At the end of the course, you can apply for NPD Professional certification from the Product Development Management Association.

An organisation can be structured in entrepreneurial terms, from the company’s foundation to its succession. We analyse and discuss how this can be achieved, why it is important and how to bridge theory and practice. 

For businesses, financial planning and assessment are key business management tools that can be used to pursue three goals:

  • Identifying gaps and surpluses in the finances at an early stage
  • Evaluating businesses or business units with a view to selling or purchasing
  • Measuring the value contributed by a strategy

In this module, you will learn to draw up financial plans for businesses and to evaluate businesses on the basis of those financial plans.

This module takes an in-depth look at the circular economy and uses practical exercises to make the concept more tangible. The module introduces different approaches to increasing operational circularity. We will discuss these approaches and demonstrate them in simulations. The aim of the module is to debate what is required for the various stages of the concept and to confirm the potential of the circular economy in terms of both operational sustainability and sustainable development.

Data is increasingly seen by businesses as a strategic resource. It represents a key source of innovation in a time of digitalisation and allows organisations to establish new business models. With this in mind, we will: 

  • examine strategic and organisational aspects of data-based value creation
  • take a closer look at the potential of the latest technology trends in the field of artificial intelligence

Today’s businesses operate in a dynamic world. Digitalisation, crises, heightened competition and changing customer expectations represent major challenges for many established providers of goods and services. In this module, we will focus on how marketing can tackle those challenges.

In this module, we focus on ways to plan and manage change processes and relate the findings to our own (leadership) behaviour.

This module provides an introduction to innovative financial tools. It looks at forward transactions, futures, swaps and hedging in times of crisis. There is also a particular focus on new approaches and products in the fields of sustainable finance, digital finance and platforms.

In this module we examine innovation management processes (from an idea to the successful introduction of new products and services) as well as success factors of innovation management in companies. 

Offices are becoming a thing of the past and digitalisation is changing everything. This module examines: 

  • how organisations can shape the future of work so that work gives a person more than it takes
  • how we can make meaningful use of changing possibilities

Enabling you to become change makers in your organisations.

Data is playing an increasingly important role in business activities, whether in the context of decision-making, internal processes or business models. With this in mind, this module will:

  • provide you with a practical overview of the basic methods of data analysis for a KPI driven corporate management

Businesses are finding themselves morally challenged to accept social responsibility. This situation offers both opportunities and risks. This module examines the ethical principles and the application of corporate responsibility.

The study tour provides insights into international management and promotes intercultural competence. You will reflect on, consolidate and combine the skills and expertise you have acquired in the first three semesters by carrying out a project work in an international context. 

Additional opportunities

We partner with top universities worldwide. You may study abroad at another university for one semester. Courses taken during your exchange can be credited towards the Swiss degree, pending approval by the head of your degree programme.

We also offer double degree programmes with selected universities. You will spend one semester of studies at the partner university and graduate with a degree from both institutions.

You may participate in the Business School mentoring programme during your studies.

More information: Mentoring programme

The Certificate of Global Competence gives you the opportunity to gain skills in the areas of inter- and transculturalism as part of your regular studies.

The Certificate of Engagement provides proof of the time and effort you dedicated to the BFH Business School.

The supplementary Certificate of Engagement in Sustainability recognises your social commitment and the additional effort you put into expanding your knowledge and skills pertaining to sustainability.

What makes this programme different?

The BFH Business School offers three different master’s degree programmes. The table below compares the three programmes and shows how they differ in terms of content and format.


MSc in Business Administration with
specialisation in Corporate/Business Development

  MSc in Business Information Technology MSc in Digital Business Administration  
Underlying idea    

Adopt an entrepreneurial, digital and sustainable approach. Actively help to shape current and future transformations in businesses and take on challenging leadership roles.

  Direct the implementation of digital transformation, mediating between business and technology, IT management
  • Transform existing companies digitally
  • Extend existing business models digitally
  • Develop new digital business models
Career prospects    
  • Business Development Manager
  • Business Consultant/Analyst
  • Manager of demanding, complex projects
  • General management roles in SMEs or in business units/profit centres of major corporations
  • Enterprise Architect
  • Business Analyst
  • IT Consultant
  • Chief Information Officer (CIO)
  • Chief Digital Officer
  • Digital Business Architect
  • Digital Strategist
  • Digital Project Manager
  • Digital Business Analyst
  • eBusiness Manager

Target group & Requirements


Bachelor’s in Business Administration and related degrees

  • Bachelor’s in Business Information Technology
  • Bachelor’s in Business Administration
  • Bachelor’s in Computer Science
  • Bachelor’s in Industrial Engineering and Management Science and related degrees
  • Bachelor’s in Business Administration
  • Bachelor’s in Business Information Technology
  • Related study programmes



Bern (individual modules in St.Gallen as an option)

  Zurich (classroom teaching)
Bern (coaching)
Bern and asynchronous virtual learning  

Time frame

  • 4 semesters as standard (extension available)
  • Fridays classroom teaching/Saturdays online teaching
  • 60-70% FTE recommended
  • 4 semesters as standard (extension available)
  • Mondays/Tuesdays
  • 60-70% FTE recommended
  • 4 semesters (standard) or 6 semesters (with extension)
  • Hybrid study: 4 on-campus classroom blocks (Thursday to Saturday) per semester, plus 6 flexible virtual learning cycles
  • 60-70% FTE recommended
Language     German   German English  
Learning methodology    
  • Combination of classroom-based and online teaching
  • Case studies
  • Practical projects
  • Simulations
  • Study trip (Asia, Europe)
  • Company visits
  • Focus on classroom-based teaching
  • Case studies
  • Practical projects
  • Study trip (Europe)
  • Combination of virtual ‘learning cycles’ and on-campus days
  • Experiment-centred
  • Hands-on (e.g. AI, app)
  • Live cases
  • International (virtual) cooperation/study trip

OST (Eastern Switzerland University of Applied Sciences)

  FFHS (Swiss Distance University of Applied Sciences), OST (Eastern Switzerland University of Applied Sciences) and HSLU (Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts) -  
Double Degree     USC Australia   - USC Australia
SolBridge International School of Business, South Korea


Admission requirements

There are many paths leading to the Master of Science in Business Administration. A bachelor’s degree in business administration is a basic prerequisite. The head of the degree programme makes the final admission decision.

Do you have a bachelor’s degree in a related field, for example in business information technology or in industrial engineering and management science?

If so, you need to meet the following provisions:

  • Bachelor’s degree/university of applied sciences degree worth 180 ECTS credits, at least 30 ECTS of which were earned in business-based modules

Do you have a university degree?
You must also provide proof of six months of professional experience in the field (business administration).

This programme is taught in German and English.

  • Please submit proof of your proficiency in German level C1 (e.g. Goethe-Zertifikat C1) along with your application.
  • For English we recommend level B2. 

University qualifications from other countries must be equivalent to a Swiss bachelor’s degree/university of applied sciences degree. Equivalence will be assessed by the head of the degree programme.

Once you have applied, an advisory interview will take place with the Programme Assistant (Carmen Gebel) or the head of the programme.
The interview can also be held before registration. Please contact us directly for this purpose.


Secure your place early.
You can always submit any missing documents later.

Application deadlines

Application deadline: 31 July (place guaranteed until 30 April)
Start date: calendar week 38
Induction day:  first day of programme in calendar week 38 
Request for credit transfer: 15 August
Deadline to withdraw application: 31 July

Start your studies in the autumn semester

Brief explanation of the online application

Online applications only.
Our Online Application Guide explains how it works, step by step.

Application documents

You will need to make PDF or JPG copies of the following documents:

Mandatory requirements:

  • Passport or ID card (front and back) 
  • Passport photo that meets international passport requirements
  • Up-to-date CV
  • Personal statement 
  • Confirmation of termination of matriculation
  • Diplomas and leaving certificates (e.g. vocational baccalaureate/specialised baccalaureate with grades, university entrance qualification, Abitur or upper secondary level qualification)
  • Bachelor’s degree certificate or equivalent qualification plus transcript of records (ToR)

Additional required documentation if you were educated abroad or if your educational background is in a related field and you are looking to transfer credit from other universities

  • Comparable non-Swiss university degree with at least 70 ECTS credits in business and economics subjects (bachelor’s degree certificate) 

The costs for the programme comprise application, tuition and examination fees plus the cost of course materials and excursions.

The costs per semester are: 

CHF 964.– 
CHF 1'164.– for international students*

Detailed cost breakdown:

Application (per application)** / Matriculation***

CHF 100.–

Tuition fee (per semester)

CHF 750.–

Tuition fee for international students* (per semester)

CHF 950.–

Performance assessment (per semester)

CHF 80.–

Material fees**** (per semester)

CHF 95.–

Voluntary contribution to the student body (per semester)

CHF 15.–

Fee for social, cultural and sport offerings (per semester)

CHF 24.–

Costs for study trip (approx.) 

CHF 1000.– to 2000.–

*International students are defined as persons of foreign citizenship who at the time of obtaining their university entrance qualification were domiciled under civil law neither in Switzerland nor the Principality of Liechtenstein.
**plus CHF 10 processing fee for payment via payment slip / paper invoice.
***If the registration leads to enrolment, the registration fee will be credited as the enrolment fee.
****excl. costs for teaching materials, specialist literature, consumables, etc.

There are two ways to finance your studies: loans and grants. More information here:

Advice + Information

Still have questions about the programme? Get in touch or visit one of our information events.


Choosing a degree programme is an important decision in planning your professional career. We are happy to conduct a personal consultation with you, during which we can discuss your goals, answer questions and clarify the requirements for your desired programme.

Information events (in German)

Visit one of our information events and find out all about the degree programme, the admission requirements and your career prospects. Our students will share their experience of life at the university.

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Location + Facilities

Pursue your master’s degree on our ‘green campus’ in Bern’s Marzili district, situated directly on the Aare River with a view of the Parliament Building.


Brückenstrasse 73, 3005 Bern

We generally recommend travelling by bus or on foot.

There are no parking spaces available for students. Please use the public parking facilities.

Travel by bus and on foot:

  • Brückenstrasse is an approx. 10-minute walk from Bern railway station.
  • The «Marzilibahn» funicular descends into the Marzili district from the upper station (Bundeshaus-West). Brückenstrasse is around 450 metres from the lower station.
  • In the evening (from 8.37pm), bus line 30 runs between the railway station and the Marzili district (Dampfzentrale stop).


Our green campus offers a wide range of facilities.

  • Library: self-checkout is available to students around the clock.
  • Cafeteria: the cafeteria is open to students year-round. There is a full range of food and drink on offer during the semester, while vending machines are available during breaks.