Prof. Dr. Léonard Kwuida Dozent
Kwuida, L., & Temgoua Alomo, E. R. (2024). Subdirectly Irreducible and Semisimple Double Boolean Algebras (I. P. Cabrera, S. Ferré, & S. Obiedkov, Eds.; Vol. 14914). Springer Nature.
Kemgne, M. W., Njionou, B. B. K., Kwuida, L., & Ignatov, D. I. (2024). Shapley Values in Classification Problems with Triadic Formal Concept Analysis (I. P. Cabrera, S. Ferré, & S. Obiedkov, Eds.; Vol. 14914). Springer Nature.
Nguepy Dongmo, G., Koguep Njionou, B. B., Kwuida, L., & Onabid, M. (2024). Multilattice as the set of truth values for fuzzy rough sets. In Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics. Taylor & Francis.
Kwuida, L., Koguep Njionou, B. B., & Lele, C. (2022). Formal Concepts and Residuation on Multilattices. In Fundamenta Informaticae (Vol. 188, Issue 4). IOS Press.
Nguepy Dongmo, G., Koguep Njionou, B. B., Kwuida, L., & Onabid, M. (2023). Rough Fuzzy Concept Analysis via Multilattice (A. Campagner, O. U. Lenz, S. Xia, D. Ślęzak, J. Wąs, & J. Yao, Eds.; Vol. 14481). Springer Nature Switzerland.
Kwuida, L., & Mureşan, C. (2022). On Nontrivial Weak Dicomplementations and the Lattice Congruences that Preserve Them. In Order (Vol. 40, Issue 2). Springer.
Missaoui, R., Kwuida, L., & Abdessalem, T. (Eds.). (2022). Complex Data Analytics with Formal Concept Analysis. Springer International Publishing.
Ignatov, D. I., & Kwuida, L. (2022). On Shapley value interpretability in concept-based learning with formal concept analysis. In Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence (Vol. 90, Issues 11–12). Springer.
Missaoui, R., Ruas, P. H. B., Kwuida, L., Song, M. A. J., & Ibrahim, M. H. (2022). Computing triadic generators and association rules from triadic contexts. In Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence (Vol. 90, Issues 11–12). Springer.
Kwuida, L., Georgescu, G., & Mureşan, C. (2021). Functorial Properties of the Reticulation of a Universal Algebra. In Journal of Applied Logics - IfCoLog Journal (Vol. 8, Issue 5).
Kwuida, L., & Ignatov, D. (2021). On Interpretability and Similarity in Concept-Based Machine Learning (Vol. 12602). Springer Nature Switzerland.
Kwuida, L., Kuitché, R. S., & Temgoua, R. E. A. (2020). On the size of ∃ -generalized concept lattices. In Discrete Applied Mathematics (Vol. 273).
Missaoui, R., Ruas, P. H. B., Kwuida, L., & Song, M. A. J. (2020). Pattern Discovery in Triadic Contexts (Vol. 12277). Springer.
Ignatov, D. I., & Kwuida, L. (2020). Interpretable Concept-Based Classification with Shapley Values (Vol. 12277). Springer International Publishing.
Kwuida, L., & Ignatov, D. I. (2020). Shapley and Banzhaf Vectors of a Formal Concept (Vol. 2668).
Kwuida, L., & Kondo, M. (2019). Note on radicals of filters in residuated lattices (Algebraic System, Logic, Language and Related Areas in Computer Science). In 数理解析研究所講究録= RIMS Kokyuroku (Vol. 2130). 京都大学数理解析研究所.
Cristea, D., Ber, F. L., Missaoui, R., Kwuida, L., & Sertkaya, B. (Eds.). (2019). Supplementary Proceedings of ICFCA 2019 Conference and Workshops, Frankfurt, Germany, June 25-28, 2019 (Vol. 2378).
Kwuida, L. (2018). A single axiom for Boolean algebras. In Discrete Applied Mathematics (Vol. 249).
Balamane, A., Missaoui, R., Kwuida, L., & Vaillancourt, J. (2018). Découverte de biclusters avec présence ou absence de propriétés. In Business Intelligence & Big Data, 14ème Edition de la conference EDA. EDA 2018 Business Intelligence & Big Data.
Kuitché, R., Temgoua, R., & Kwuida, L. (2018). A similarity measure to generalize attributes (D. I. Ignatov & L. Nourine, Eds.).
Düntsch, I., Kwuida, L., & Orlowska, E. (2017). A Discrete Representation for Dicomplemented Lattices. In Fundamenta Informaticae (Vol. 156, Issues 3–4). IOS Press.
Maffeu Nzoda, L. N., Koguep, B. B. N., Lele, C., & Kwuida, L. (2015). Fuzzy setting of residuated multilattices. In Annals of Fuzzy Mathematics and Informatics (Vol. 10, Issue 6). Research Institute for Basic Science, Wonkwang University.
Kwuida, L., Missaoui, R., Balamane, A., & Vaillancourt, J. (2014). Generalized pattern extraction from concept lattices. In Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence (Vol. 72, Issues 1–2). Springer.
Kwuida, L., Missaoui, R., & Vaillancourt, J. (2012). Using Taxonomies on Objects and Attributes to Discover Generalized Patterns (L. Szathmary & U. Priss, Eds.; Vol. 972).
Kwuida, L., & Schmidt, S. E. (2011). Valuations and closure operators on finite lattices. In Discrete Applied Mathematics (Vol. 159, Issue 10).
Kwuida, L., & Lehtonen, E. (2011). On the Homomorphism Order of Labeled Posets. In Order (Vol. 28, Issue 2). Springer.
Missaoui, R., & Kwuida, L. (2011). Mining Triadic Association Rules from Ternary Relations (P. Valtchev & R. Jäschke, Eds.; Vol. 6628). Springer.
Kwuida, L., & Machida, H. (2010). On the isomorphism problem of concept algebras. In Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence (Vol. 59, Issue 2). Springer.
Kwuida, L., & Sertkaya, B. (Eds.). (2010). Formal Concept Analysis, 8th International Conference, ICFCA 2010, Agadir, Morocco, March 15-18, 2010. Proceedings (Vol. 5986). Springer.
Kwuida, L., Missaoui, R., Amor, B. B., Boumedjout, L., & Vaillancourt, J. (2010). Restrictions on Concept Lattices for Pattern Management (M. Kryszkiewicz & S. A. Obiedkov, Eds.; Vol. 672).
Kwuida, L. (2008). ON CONCEPT LATTICE APPROXIMATION. In 数理解析研究所講究録.