Dr. Daniel Schwarz Badertscher


Dr. Daniel Schwarz Badertscher Fachgruppenleiter

  • Address Berner Fachhochschule
    Business School
    Institut Public Sector Transformation
    Brückenstrasse 73
    3005 Bern


  • Digital Democracy (E-Democracy)


  • Daniel Schwarz is political scientist and co-founder of the voting advice application "smartvote". At the Institute Public Sector Transformation, he is mainly engaged in research projects related to digital democracy / e-democracy. Besides his employment at the BFH, Daniel Schwarz is also involved in several research projects at the Universities of Bern and Lausanne.
  • 2011-13 SNF Post-doc London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE)
  • 2009 Dr. rer. soc. (PhD) University of Bern
  • 2001 lic. rer. soc. (Master in political science) University of Bern


  • Digitalisierungsmonitor 2019
