Prof. Dr. Beat Reidy

Prof. Dr. Beat Reidy Doz. Graslandnutzung, Wiederkäuersysteme
Berner Fachhochschule
School of Agricultural, Forest and Food Sciences HAFL
Fachbereich Agronomie
Länggasse 85
3052 Zollikofen
Grasland Management and Ruminant Production Systems
Focus areas
Sustainable utilization and management of different grassland types
Efficiency and differentiating characteristics of grassland-based production systems
Nutrient flows in agricultural production systems
Professional grazing management
Forage conservation
Degree programmes
Agronomy - Crop Science and Ecology
Principles of Plant Protection, Nutrition and Fertilisation (BLAl094)
Principles of Crop and Forage Production (BLAl124)
Applied Forage Production (BLAp034)
Advanced Forage Production (BLAp116)
Forage conservation and technology (BLAL224)
Biodiversity / Extensive Grassland (BLAp044)
Principles of Crop and Forage Production (BLAp084)
Field Experiments and Crop Technology, Excursions (BLAp106)
Grassland-based Milk and Meat Production (BLAx742)
Plants Species and Vegetation of Meadows and Pastures II (BLAx032)
Applied Research in Natural and Social Sciences (MCLs235)
Grasland Utilization and Ruminant Production Systems
Focus areas
Modeling and analysis of efficiency parameters and nutrient flows, increasing value by differentiating dairy production, optimizing the sustainability of grassland-based production systems.
Site-adapted grassland management: Utilization and management of different grassland types.
Utilization of UAV and growth models to support professional grazing management.
Data-mining to optimize production technology: use of existing production data to analyze and optimize grassland-based agricultural production systems.
Professional experience
- 2011 - heute Professor for Grassland Management and Ruminant Production Systems. BFH-HAFL
- 2010 - 2011 Head of Fertilisers and Specialties, Deputy Head of Grain Trade Switzerland, Deputy CEO and member of executive board, Calcium Agro AG. Calcium agro AG
- 2007-2010 Head of Agriculture/Turf, Vice-Director and executive board, Eric Schweizer AG. Eric Schweizer AG
- 2002 – 2007 Research Associate, Research and Development Division, Swiss Agricultural University (SHL). Swiss Agricultural University (SHL, the predecessor to BFH-HAFL)
- 2001 - 2002 Postdoc in the group of Dr. F. Tardieu, Laboratoire d'Ecophysiologie des Plantes sous Stress Environnementaux (LEPSE), Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA), Montpellier, France. Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA) in Montpellier, Frankreich.
- 1997 - 2001 Research Associate in the group of Prof. em. J. Nösberger, (Grassland Science and Crop Physiology) and Prof. A. J. Fleming, (Developmental Biology), Institute of Plant Sciences, ETH Zurich. ETH Zurich
- 2000 – 2001 Research Associate, Grassland Science and Crop Physiology Group, ETH Zurich. ETH Zurich
- 2006 University didactics certificate. BFH
- 2001 PhD, Dr. sc. nat. ETH Zurich
- 1997 - 2001 Doctoral candidate, Grassland Science and Yield Physiology Group at the Institute of Plant Sciences, ETH Zurich. ETH Zurich
- 1992 - 1997 Studies in Agriculture, ETH Zurich. Dipl. Ing. Agr. ETH, specialising in agricultural plant sciences. ETH Zurich
- 1987 - 1991 Baccalaureate. Collège St. Michel, Fribourg
- Chair of the steering committee of the Swiss Swiss Grassland Society (AGFF)
- Member of the grassland and feed production committee of the German Agricultural Society (DLG e.V.)
- Expert for Innsuisse
Contribution to books
Lüscher, Andreas; Grieder, Christoph; Huguenin-Elie, Olivier; Klaus, V.; Reidy, Beat; Schneider, Manuel K.; Schubiger, Franz; Suter, Daniel; Suter, Matthias; Kölliker, Roland (2019). Grassland systems in Switzerland with a main focus on sown grasslands In: Improving sown grasslands through breeding and management : proceedings of the Joint 20th Symposium of the European Grassland Federation and the 33rd Meeting of the EUCARPIA Section 'Fodder Crops and Amenity Grasses'. Grassland Science in Europe: Vol. 24 (pp. 3-16). European Grassland Federation (EGF).
Zumwald, J; Nemecek, T; Ineichen Colantuoni, Sebastian Manuel; Reidy, Beat (2019). Indikatoren für die Flächen- und Nahrungsmittelkonkurrenz in der Schweizer Milchproduktion: Entwicklung und Test zweier Methoden Agroscope Science: Vol. 85. Zürich: Agroscope Liebefeld-Posieux ALP
Reidy, B. (2013). Grass-legume mixtures: A valuable resource for grassland based milk production. In: Cool forages. Advanced management of temperate forages. Eds. Bittmans s and Hunt Derek. Pacific Field Corn Association. Canada.
Erisman, J. W., A. Bleeker, A. Neftel, V. Aneja, N. Hutchings, L. Kinsella, Y. S. Tang, J. Webb, M. Sponar, C. Raes, M. Mitosinkova, S. Vidic, H. V. Andersen, Z. Klimont, R. Pinder, S. Baker, B. Reidy, C. Flechard, L. Horvath, A. Lewandowska, C. Gillespie, M. Wallasch, R. Gehrig and T. Ellerman (2009). Detecting Change in Atmospheric Ammonia Following Emission Changes. In: Atmospheric Ammonia: Detecting emission changes and environmental impacts. Mark, S., Reis, S., Baker, S. (Eds.). Springer, 2009.
Webb, J., N. J. Hutchings, S. Bittman, S. M. H. Baker, B. Reidy, C. Raes, K. Smith, J. Ayres and T. Misselbrook (2009). Reliability of Ammonia Emission Estimates and Abatement Efficiencies. In: Atmospheric Ammonia: Detecting emission changes and environmental impacts. Mark, S., Reis, S., Baker, S. (Eds.). Springer, 2009.
External memberships
Swiss Grassland Society (AGFF)
Swiss Society of Agronomy (SSA)
Arbeitsgemeinschaft Grünland und Futterbau (AGGF)
Gesellschaft für Pflanzenbauwissenschaften (Deutschland)
Deutsche Landwirtschaft-Gesellschaft (DLG)
American Society of Agronomy (ASA)
New Zealand Grassland Association (NZGA)
British Grassland Society (BGS)
Language skills and intercultural knowledge
Language skills
- German - Native or bilingual proficiency
- French - Full professional proficiency
- English - Full professional proficiency
- Spanish - Elementary proficiency