Prof. Dr. Urs Christoph Scheidegger

Prof. Dr. Urs Christoph Scheidegger Lehrbeauftragte/r
Berner Fachhochschule
School of Agricultural, Forest and Food Sciences HAFL
Fachbereich Agronomie
Länggasse 85
3052 Zollikofen
Head Master's Degree Program at HAFL
Professor for tropical crop production and farming systems research
Small-scale agriculture: Soil fertility and adaptation to climate change (soil organic matter management, supplemental irrigation, climate resilience through intercropping and agroforestry); seed systems development and participatory plant breeding; post-harvest issues
Project Cycle Management and impact assessment
Research-extension interface and research network management
Farmer participatory research: Methodology, implementation, training
Management of natural resources in general: Biodiversity, sustainable soil and water management
- Bertschinger L, Bühler L, Dupuis B, Duffy B, Gessler C, Forbes GA, Keller ER, Scheidegger UC, Struik PC, 2017. Incomplete infection of secondarily infected potato plants–an environment dependent underestimated mechanism in plant virology. Frontiers in Plant Science, 8.
- Scheidegger U, Graf B, 2013. Plantwise - SDC contribution Phase 1 (2012-2013): External Evaluation. CABI, Delémont, 45 p.
- Scheidegger U, Blättler D, 2013. Global Programme Food Security Mid-term Review: Performance of policy work. SDC, Bern, 18 p.
- Zundel C, Chibikom R, Scheidegger U, Nagel P, Hanna R, 2012. Developing cassava cultivars based on farmers’ needs and on the agro-ecological conditions of north-western Cameroon. African Journal of Root and Tuber Crops 8 (2), 23-33.
- Scheidegger U, Kaufmann M, 2012. Food security and agribusiness project Nampula – Cabo Delgado, Mozambique (SAAN): Strategic considerations concerning the seed component. Helvetas-Swiss-Intercooperation, 29 p.
- Banks J, de Vries F, Scheidegger U, Zbinden K, 2011. The Irrigated Rice Research Consortium (IRRC): External Review Phase 4 (2009-2012). IRRI and SDC, Los Baños and Bern, October 2011, 59 p.
- Scheidegger U, Bayarsukh N, 2011. Mongolian Potato Project (MPP): External Review June 14 through 24, 2011. SDC Ulaanbaatar and Bern, June 2011, 33 p.
- Hartwich F, Scheidegger U, 2010. Fostering innovation networks: the missing piece in rural development. Rural Development News 1, 70-75
- Scheidegger U, Lead Author for IAASTD (International Assessment of Agricultural Knowledge, Science and Technology for Development), 2009. Options to enhance the impact of AKST on the development and sustainablity goals. In: IAASTD (ed.) Agriculture at a crossroads – Global report. Island Press, p 377-440.
Zundel Ch, Hanna R, Scheidegger U, Nagel P, 2009. Environment and host-plant genotype effects on the seasonal dynamics of a predatory mite on cassava in sub-humid tropical Africa. Agricultural and Forest Entomology 11:321-331.
Zundel Ch, Scheidegger U, Hanna R, Nagel P, 2009. Participatory varietal cassava selection in an agro-ecologically diverse environment in Central Africa: Building on farmers’ own experimentation. Experimental Agriculture (in preparation).
Giger M, Hurni H, Portner B, Scheidegger U, 2008. Globale Landwirtschaft vor alten und neuen Herausforderungen. GAIA 17(3): 280–286.
Plüss L, Scheidegger U, Katz E, Thönnissen C, 2008. Understanding the research-extension interface: Capitalizing experiences of nine agricultural projects in East Asia. Rural Development News 2, 40-46.
Cocchi A, Friis Hansen E, Giger M, Scheidegger U. 2007. Management of joint research activities within ERA-ARD: Guidelines for ARD programme planning, monitoring, evaluation and impact assessment. ERA-ARD.
Zundel Ch, Hanna R, Scheidegger U, Nagel P, 2007. Living at the threshold: Where does the neotropical phytoseiid mite Typhlodromalus aripo survive the dry season? Experimental and Applied Acarology 41:11-26.
Scheidegger U, Prain G, 2000. Support to diversity in potato seed supply. In: Almekinders C., De Boef W. (eds.). Encouraging diversity: the conservation and development of plant genetic resources. Intermediate Technology Publications, London, UK, p 232-236.
Gass T, Guenat D, Scheidegger U, 2000. The strategic role of regional initiatives in development. InfoAgrar News No. 9, 2-3.
Buruchara R, Pastor-Corrales MA, Scheidegger U, 1999. Fusarium wilt disease caused by Fusarium
Professional experience
- 2010-2019 Head Master Studies Division HAFL-BFH
- 2008-2010 Head Division of international Agriculture HAFL-BFH
- 1993-2008 Senior lecturer tropical crop production and farming systems research HAFL-BFH
- 1989-1993 Regional Coordinator Africa Great Lakes - Senior scientist CIAT - Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical, Cali, Colombia
- 1985-1989 Senior scientist - leader Peruvian potato research and seed project CIP - Centro Internacional de la Papa, Lima, Peru
- 1983-1985 Post-doctoral fellow, Peruvian potato research and seed project CIP, Lima, Peru
- 1978-1983 Scientific collaborator and teaching assistant with Crop Science Department ETH-Zurich
- 1978-1983 Ph.D.: Photosynthesis and utilization of photosynthates in ecotypes of white clover; Crop Science Department, Prof. Dr. J. Nösberger ETH-Zurich
- 1973-1977 Dipl. Ing. Agr. ETH, Crop Science ETH-Zurich
Language skills and intercultural knowledge
Language skills
- English - Full professional proficiency
- French - Professional working proficiency
- German - Native or bilingual proficiency
- Spanish - Full professional proficiency
- Portuguese - Limited working proficiency
Intercultural knowledge
- Belize
- Bhutan
- Bolivia
- Brazil
- Burkina Faso
- Burundi
- Cambodia