Prof. Dr. Thomas Brunner

Prof. Dr. Thomas Brunner Dozent für Konsumentenverhalten
Berner Fachhochschule
School of Agricultural, Forest and Food Sciences HAFL
Fachbereich Food Science & Management
Länggasse 85
3052 Zollikofen
Research Coordinator for the field "Food Business and Consumption"
Professor of Consumer Behavior
Acquisition & implementation of research projects
Teaching in Bachelor's and Master's degree programs
Focus areas
Conducting comprehensive, nation-wide surveys on food topics
Conducting nation-wide online surveys using the inhome online panel
Experimental research on food topics
3D printing of food
Food waste
Insects as food
Meat and meat alternatives
Nudging / Impact of external stimuli and consumption
Degree programmes
Food Science & Management
Consumer behavior and food
Consumer psychology and food
Food production, marketing and consumption in Europe
Tourism as a chance for regional food products
Scientific working
Customer satisfaction
Decision making
Psychology and food
Decision making and food
Consumer behavior and food
Food and beverages
Focus areas
Survey research on food topics
Experimental research on food topics
3D printing of food
Food waste
Insects as food
Meat and meat alternatives
Nudging / Impact of external stimuli and consumption
- Thomas Brunner, Prof. Dr., is Professor of Consumer Behavior at the Bern University of Applied Sciences – Food Science and Management since 2012. Earlier, he worked as a senior researcher at the ETH in Zürich and at the LINK Institute for Market and Social Research in Lucerne. As a psychologist his research focuses on consumers’ behavior concerning their food intake. Nudging consumers into more sustainable and healthy eating patterns is a topic of special interest as is survey research on new consumer trends.
Professional experience
- Since 2017 Lecturer PHW Business School Bern
- Since 2016 Lecturer Foodward
- Since 2012 Professor of Consumer Behavior Bern University of Applied Sciences
- 2008-2011 Senior Researcher ETH Zürich - Consumer Behavior
- 2006-2008 Senior Project Manager LINK Institute for Market and Social Research
- 2002-2006 Scientific Collaborater University of Basel
- 2002-2006 PhD University of Basel
- 1999-2002 Master's degree in Psychology University of Basel
- 1998-1999 Study abroad Iowa State University, USA
- 1996-1998 Bachelor's degree in Psychology University of Basel
Other projects
Eating green? Sustainable nutritional behavior in Vietnam and Switzerland (SNSF)
Algae as alternative proteins for human nutrition (Postdoc Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships)
Wine consumption (various foundations and associations)
Improving the effectiveness of the Nutri-Score in Switzerland (Federal Food Safety and Veterinary Office)
Health cues (Swiss National Science Foundation - NFP69)
Abnormal flavors in meat
Nutrition of Swiss toddlers (Milupa - Danone)
Agrifood-Tourism in Grindelwald
Cost of a healthy diet (Federal Office of Public Health)
Insects as food
Consumption of agricultural food products (Federal Office for Agriculture)
Food waste
Cheese Consumption (Sbrinz Cheese)
3D-printing of food
Peer-reviewed papers
Lucas, B., & Brunner, T. (2024). Factors influencing the willingness to purchase and consume microalgae-based foods: An exploratory consumer study. International Journal of Gastronomy and Food Science, 37, 100974.
Delley, M., Ha, T.M., Götze, F., Markoni, E., Ngo, M.H., Nguyen, A.D., Bui, T.L., Le, N.T., Pham, B.D., Brunner, T. (2024). Understanding and tackling meat reduction in different cultural contexts: a segmentation study of Swiss and Vietnamese consumers. Frontiers in Psychology, 15, 1286579.
Giacomuzzo, B., Ngo, M.H., Ha, T.M., Markoni, E., Delley, M., Götze, F., Le, N.T., Bui, T.L., Nguyen, A.D., Pham, B.D., Brunner, T., & Lucas, B. (2024). Determinants of the intention to increase vegetable consumption in Vietnam and Switzerland. Journal of Agriculture and Food Research, 15, 100998.
Colombani, P., & Brunner, T. (2024). Feasibility of meat loss and waste estimates based on meat consumption and availability. Sustainability, 16, 458.
Lucas, B., & Brunner, T. (2024). Attitudes and perceptions towards microalgae as an alternative food: A consumer segmentation in Switzerland. Algal Research, 78, 103386.
Markoni, E., Ha, T.M., Götze, F., Häberli, I., Ngo, M.H., Huwiler, R.M., Delley, M., Nguyen, A.D., Bui, T.L., Le, N.T., Pham, B.D., & Brunner, T. (2023). Healthy or Environmentally Friendly? Meat Consumption Practices of Green Consumers in Vietnam and Switzerland. Sustainability, 15, 11488.
Brunner, T., Schnetzer, T., & Delley M. (2023). Emergence of new segments of Swiss wine consumers: A comparison with a segmentation study from 2011. Australian Journal of Grape and Wine Research, 6103015.
Lucas, B., Costa, J., & Brunner, T. (2023). Attitudes of consumers toward Spirulina and açaí and their use as a food ingredient. LWT, 178, 114600.
Tüfer, G., & Brunner, T. (2023). Determining the influence of food user value on the intention to waste tomatoes at home. Resources, Environment and Sustainability, 12, 100111.
Siddiqui, S., Brunner, T., Tamm, I., van der Raad, P., Patekar, G., Bahmid, N., Aarts, K., Paul, A. (2023). Insect-based dog and cat food: A short investigative review on market, claims and consumer perception. Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology, 26, 102020.
Penedo, A., Bucher Della Torre, S., Götze, F., Brunner, T., Brück, W. (2022). The consumption of insects in Switzerland: University-based perspectives of entomophagy. Foods, 11, 2771.
Mielmann, A., & Brunner, T. (2022). Linking the sensory taste properties of chocolate-based biscuits to consumers’ emotions: A cross-cultural study. Applied Sciences, 12, 8038.
Lucas, B., Costa, J., & Brunner, T. (2022). How information on superfoods changes consumers’ attitudes: An explorative survey study. Foods, 11, 1863.
Lucas, B., Guelpa, R., Vaihinger, M., Brunner, T., Costa, J., & Denkel, C. (2022). Extruded snacks enriched with açaí berry: physicochemical properties and bioactive constituents. Food Science and Technology, 42, e14822.
Lucas, B., Götze, F., Costa, J., & Brunner, T. (2022). Consumer perception toward “superfoods”: A segmentation study. Journal of International Food & Agribusiness Marketing.
Arnaudova, M., Brunner, T., & Götze, F. (2022). Examination of students' willingness to change behaviour regarding meat consumption. Meat Science, 184, 108695.
Götze, F. & Brunner, T. (2021). A consumer segmentation study for meat and meat alternatives in Switzerland. Foods, 10, 1273.
Lucas, B., Costa, J., & Brunner, T. (2021). Superfoods: Drivers for consumption. Journal of Food Products Marketing, 27, 1-9.
Stämpfli, A., Stöckli, S., Brunner, T., & Messner, C. (2020). A dieting facilitator on the fridge door: Can dieters deliberately apply environmental dieting cues to lose weight? Frontiers Psychology, 11, 582369.
Mielmann, A., & Brunner, T. (2020). Consumers’ motives for eating and choosing sweet baked products: a cross-cultural segmentation study. Foods, 9, 1811.
Delley, M. & Brunner, T. (2020). A segmentation of Swiss fluid milk consumers and suggestions for target product concepts. Journal of Dairy Science, 103, 3095-3106.
Brunner, T. & Nuttavuthisit, K. (2020). A consumer-oriented segmentation study on edible insects in Switzerland and Thailand. British Food Journal, 122, 482-488.
Götze, F. & Brunner, T. (2020). Sustainability and country-of-origin. How much do they matter to consumers in Switzerland? British Food Journal, 122, 291-308.
Mielmann, A., & Brunner, T. (2019). Consumers’ snack choices: current factors contributing to obesity, British Food Journal, 121, 347-358.
Dunn, J., Brunner, T., Legeza, D., Konovalenko, A., & Demchuk, O. (2018) Factors of the marketing macro system effecting children’s food production. Economic Annals-XXI, 170, 49-56.
Brunner, T., Casetti, L., Haueter, P., Müller, P., Nydegger, A., & Spalinger, J. (2018). Nutrient intake of Swiss toddlers. European Journal of Nutrition, 57, 2489-2499.
Delley, M., & Brunner, T. (2018). Household food waste quantification: Comparison of two methods. British Food Journal, 120, 1504-1515.
Brunner, T., Delley, M., & Denkel, C. (2018). Consumers’ attitudes and change of attitude toward 3D-printed food. Food Quality and Preference, 68, 389-396.
Schlup, Y., & Brunner, T. (2018). Prospects for insects as food in Switzerland: A tobit regression. Food Quality and Preference, 64, 37-46.
Delley, M., & Brunner, T. (2017). Food waste within Swiss households: A segmentation of the population and suggestions for preventive measures. Resources, Conservations and Recycling, 122, 172-184.
Stämpfli, A., Stöckli, S., & Brunner, T. (2017). A nudge in a healthier direction: How environmental cues help restrained eaters pursue their weight-control goal. Appetite, 110, 94-102.
Stämpfli, A., & Brunner, T. (2016). The art of dieting: Exposure to thin sculptures effortlessly reduces the intake of unhealthy food in motivated eaters. Food Quality and Preference, 50, 88-93.
Stöckli, S., Stämpfli, A., Messner, C., & Brunner, T. (2016). An (Un)healthy Poster: When Environmental Cues Affect Consumers’ Food Choices at Vending Machines. Appetite, 96, 1-7.
Brunner, T. (2014). Applying neutralization theory to fair trade buying behaviour. International Journal of Consumer Studies, 38, 200-206.
Brunner, T. (2013). It takes some effort. How minimal physical effort reduces consumption volume. Appetite, 71, 89-94.
Sütterlin, B., Brunner, T., & Siegrist, M. (2013). The impact of social value orientation on energy conservation in different behavioral domains. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 43, 1725-1735.
Brunner, T., & Siegrist, M. (2012). Reduced Food Intake after Exposure to Subtle Weight-related Cues. Appetite, 58, 1109-1112.
Brunner, T. (2012). Matching effects on eating: Individual differences do make a difference! Appetite, 58, 429-431.
Lopez, E., Brunner, T., & Siegrist, M. (2012). Perceived risks and benefits of nanotechnology applied to the food and packaging sector in México. British Food Journal, 114, 197-205.
Brunner, T., & Siegrist, M. (2011). Lifestyle determinants of wine consumption and spending on wine. International Journal of Wine Business Research, 23, 210-220.
Van der Horst, K., Brunner, T., & Siegrist, M. (2011). Fast food and take-away food consumption are associated with different lifestyle characteristics. Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics, 24, 596-602.
Sütterlin, B., Brunner, T., & Siegrist, M. (2011). Who puts the most energy into energy conservation? A segmentation of energy consumers based on energy-related behavioral characteristics. Energy Policy, 39, 8137-8152.
Van der Horst, K., Brunner, T., & Siegrist, M. (2011). Ready-meal consumption: Associations with weight status and cooking skills. Public Health Nutrition, 14, 239-245.
Brunner, T., & Siegrist, M. (2011). The influence of subtle external cues on eating behavior. European Advances of Consumer Research, 9, 482.
Brunner, T., & Siegrist, M. (2011). A Consumer-oriented Segmentation Study in the Swiss Wine Market. British Food Journal, 113, 353-373.
Brunner, T. (2010). How weight-related cues affect food intake in a modeling situation. Appetite, 55, 507-511.
Brunner, T., van der Horst, K., & Siegrist, M. (2010). Convenience food products: Drivers for consumption. Appetite, 55, 498-506.
Brunner, T., Stöcklin, M., & Opwis, K. (2008). Satisfaction, Image and Loyalty: New versus Experienced Customers. European Journal of Marketing, 42(9/10), 1095-1105.
Brunner, T., & Opwis, K. (2008). The WReSt Heuristic: The Role of Recall as well as Feature-Importance in and beyond the Cancellation and Focus Model. Social Cognition, 26(1), 25-43.
Sütterlin, B., Brunner, T., & Opwis, K. (2008). Eye-Tracking the Cancellation and Focus Model for Preference Judgments. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 44(3), 904-911.
Brunner, T., & Wänke, M. (2006). The Reduced and Enhanced Impact of Shared Features on Individual Brand Evaluations. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 16(2), 101-111.
Additional publications
Brunner, T. (2017). The costs of a healthy diet. In: Ch. Bala & W. Schuldzinski (Eds.), The 21st Century Consumer (pp. 293-301). Düsseldorf: Consumer Association of North Rhine-Westphalia.
Brunner, T. (2016). Convenience Food. In: B. Caballero, P. Finglas, & F. Toldra (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Food and Health (pp. 312-315). Oxford: Academic Press.
Brunner, T. & Casetti, L. (2015). Gesund und günstig. In: M. Furger & Ch. Biswas (Eds.), Der Kult um unser Essen (S. 187-195). Zürich: NZZ Libro.
Brunner, T. & Casetti, L. (2014). Kosten gesunder Ernährung. Bericht im Auftrag des Bundesamtes für Lebensmittelsicherheit und Veterinärwesen. Zollikofen: Food Science & Management, Berner Fachhochschule.
Brunner, T. & Casetti, L. (2013). Kauf- und Konsumverhalten bezüglich landwirtschaftlicher Produkte. Bericht im Auftrag des Bundesamtes für Landwirtschaft BLW. Zollikofen: Food Science & Management, Berner Fachhochschule.
Visschers, V., & Brunner, T. (2011). Healthy choices? The implications of direct and indirect stimuli for product perception and food consumption. In V.R. Preedy, R. Ross Watson, & C.R. Martin (Eds.), Handbook of Behavior, Food and Nutrition (pp. 797-814). New York: Springer.
Visschers, V., Tobler, Ch., Cousin, M. E., Brunner, T., Orlow, P., & Siegrist, M. (2009). Konsumverhalten und Förderung des umweltverträglichen Konsums: Bericht im Auftrag des Bundesamtes für Umwelt BAFU. Zurich: Consumer Behavior, ETH Zurich.
Brunner, T. (2006). The Underlying Processes in the Cancellation and Focus Model of Preference Judgments. Doctoral Thesis, University of Basel, Switzerland.
Brunner, T., Stämpfli, A., Stöckli, S., & Messner, C. (2019, September). How external cues affect food intake. Paper presented at the 16th SPS SGP SSP Conference, Bern, Switzerland.
Götze, F., Denkel, C., & Brunner, T. (2019, August). Being informed of technology when eating a supposedly 3D-printed waffle biscuit improves consumers’ attitudes towards the 3D-printing technology in food. Paper presented at the 13th Pangborn Sensory Science Symposium, Edinburgh, UK.
Franco Lucas, B., Vieira Costa, J.A., & Brunner, T. (2019, August). Consumer attitudes toward superfoods: A study in Switzerland. Poster presented at the 13th Pangborn Sensory Science Symposium, Edinburgh, UK.
Götze, F., Denkel, C., & Brunner T. (2018, October). Consumers’ Acceptance of the 3D-Printing Technology in Food. Poster presented at the Fachkonferenz Technik, Architektur und Life Sciences (FTAL), Lugano, Switzerland.
Götze, F., & Brunner, T. (2018, September). A Consumer Segmentation Study for Meat and Meat Alternatives in Switzerland. Paper presented at the 58. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften des Landbaues e.V. (GEWISOLA), Kiel, Germany.
Götze, F., & Brunner, T. (2018, April). A consumer segmentation for meet and meet alternatives in Switzerland. Paper presented at the Annual Symposium of the Swiss Society for Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology, Gränichen, Switzerland.
Brunner, T., Delley, M., & Denkel, C. (2018, February). Consumers’ attitude formation and evolution towards 3D-printed food. Paper presented at the 12th International European Forum (Igls-Forum) on System Dynamics and Innovation in Food Networks, Igls, Austria.
Götze, F., & Brunner, T. (2017, March). Consumer preferences regarding “Swissness” and sustainablity. Paper presented at the Annual Symposium of the Swiss Society for Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology, Chur, Switzerland.
Brunner, T., Haueter, P., & Harms, E. (2017, August). Drivers for sugar-reduced food preference. Poster presented at the 12th Pangborn Sensory Science Symposium, Providence, USA.
Casetti, L., Brunner, T., & Stämpfli, A. (2016, Oktober). Reactions towards wasted food. Experimental data on food appreciation and sales. Poster presented at the Association for Consumer Research Conference, Berlin, Germany.
Stämpfli, A., Stöckli, S., Brunner, T., & Messner, C. (2016, Oktober). How hunger facilitates dieting: The paradoxical effect of hunger when individuals are primed with an environmental dieting cue. Poster presented at the Association for Consumer Research Conference, Berlin, Germany.
Brunner, T., & Casetti, L. (2016, September). The costs of a healthy diet. Paper presented at the International Conference on Consumer Research (ICCR), Bonn, Germany.
Brunner, T. (2016, June). Should I stick a label on organic wine or not? Results from a Swiss experiment. Paper presented at the tenth annual conference of the American Association of Wine Economists, Bordeaux, France.
Brunner, T. (2016, May). Labels are not always beneficial: The case of organic wine. Poster presented at the European Marketing Academy, Oslo, Norway.
Stämpfli, A., Brunner, T., Messner, C., & Stöckli, S. (2015, October). Of two minds about eating: How thin human-like sculptures help to resist tempting food cues. Poster presented at the Association for Consumer Research Conference, New Orleans, USA.
Messner, C., Stöckli, S., Stämpfli, A,. & Brunner, T. (2015, September). Gesünder Essen durch Umgebungs-Cues. Poster presented at the 15. Tagung der Fachgruppe Sozialpsychologie, Potsdam, Deutschland.
Brunner, T. (2015, August). The effect of labels on sensory evaluation and willingness to pay. Poster presented at the 11th Pangborn Sensory Science Symposium, Gothenburg, Sweden.
Stämpfli, A., Brunner, T., & Messner, C. (2015, August). Unconsciously eating less: how an artwork reduces unhealthy food intake. Paper presented at the 11th Pangborn Sensory Science Symposium, Gothenburg, Sweden.
Brunner, T. (2014, September). Branding moderates the impact of effort on food intake. Poster presented at the 6th European Conference on Sensory and Consumer Research, Kopenhagen, Denmark.
Chapalay, M-H., Bürgisser, P., Hulliger P., Stegmüller L., & Brunner T. (2014, September). The influence of orthonasal stimulation on liking and perceived flavour intensity. Poster presented at the 6th European Conference on Sensory and Consumer Research, Kopenhagen, Denmark.
Casetti, L., Brugger, C., & Brunner, T. (2014, September). Linking sensory characteristics of apples by the age of the respondent and the colour of the breed. Poster presented at the 6th European Conference on Sensory and Consumer Research, Kopenhagen, Denmark.
Brunner, T., & Casetti, L. (2014, May). Topsy-turvy world: Coffee consumption and fair trade. Paper presented at the European Sensory Science Society E3S Symposium, Vienna, Austria.
Casetti, L., & Brunner, T. (2014, May). The story matters! Product description and hedonic evaluation. Paper presented at the European Sensory Science Society E3S Symposium, Vienna, Austria.
Casetti, L., & Brunner, T. (2014, January). Drivers of Fruit and Vegetable Consumption. Paper presented at the VégéConso, Angers, France.
Brunner, T., Gloess, A., & Yeretzian, C. (2012, September). Getting Granular on Coffee: Instrumental, Expert and Consumer Data Combined in a Preference Mapping. Poster presented at the 5th European Conference on Sensory and Consumer Research, Bern, Switzerland.
Brunner, T., & Siegrist, M. (2012, May). Does increased effort reduce our food intake? Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the International Society of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, Austin, USA.
Brunner, T., & Siegrist, M. (2012, February). The art of influencing: How a trip to the museum can make you eat less. Poster presented at the Society for Consumer Psychology Conference, Las Vegas, USA.
Brunner, T., Brugger, C., & Siegrist, M. (2011, September). Wine consumer segments and their relation to wine parameters. Poster presented at the 9th Pangborn Sensory Science Symposium, Toronto, Canada.
Brugger, C., Brunner, T., Baumgartner, D., & Siegrist, M. (2011, September). Consumers with a smart nose: grouping of wine by consumers in comparison to an electronic nose. Poster presented at the 9th Pangborn Sensory Science Symposium, Toronto, Canada.
Sütterlin, B., Brunner, T., & Siegrist, M. (2011, September). Who puts the most energy into energy conservation? Paper presented at the 9th Biennial Conference on Environmental Psychology, Eindhoven, The Netherlands.
Brunner, T. & Siegrist, M. (2011, April). Fair trade buying behavior and neutralization theory. Paper presented at the 7th Customer Research Academy Workshop (CRAWS7), Manchester, UK.
Sütterlin, B., Brunner, T., & Siegrist, M. (2010, September). Der Zusammenhang zwischen sozialer Wertorientierung und Energiesparverhalten. Poster präsentiert am 47. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie, Bremen, Deutschland.
Brunner, T. & Siegrist, M. (2010, July). The influence of subtle external cues on eating behavior. Paper presented at the European Conference of the Association for Consumer Research, London, UK.
Brunner, T. & Siegrist, M. (2009, June). A segmentation study of Swiss wine consumers. Paper presented at the third annual conference of the American Association of Wine Economists, Reims, France.
Brunner, T. & Opwis, K. (2006, März). Erinnerung und Wichtigkeit der Merkmale im Cancellation & Focus Modell für Präferenzurteile. In H. Hecht, S. Berti, G. Meinhardt & M. Gamer (Hrsg.), Beiträge zur 48. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen (S. 204). Mainz: Johannes-Gutenberg-Universität.
Brunner T., Stöcklin, M., & Opwis, K. (2005, September). The Impact of Satisfaction and Image on Loyalty Concerning Customers with Varying Degrees of Service Experience. Paper presented at the Consumer Personality & Research Conference, Dubrovnik, Croatia.
Brunner T., Reimer, T., & Opwis, K. (2005, September). Cancellation & Focus: Importance of the Features. Paper presented at the 7th European Social Cognition Network Meeting, Vitznau, Switzerland.
Brunner, T. & Opwis, K. (2004, September). Cancellation & Focus: The Underlying Processes. Paper presented at the 6th European Social Cognition Network Meeting, Lisbon, Portugal.
Brunner, T. & Opwis, K. (2004, September). Auch Schweizer Schokolade kann man widerstehen! Verhaltensnachahmung: Fördernde und unterdrückende Bedingungen. In T. Rammsayer, S. Grabjanowski & S. Troche (Hrsg.), 44. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (S. 328). Göttingen: Georg-August-Universität.
Brunner, T. & Opwis, K. (2004, April). Konsumentenurteile druch Alternativen steuern. In D. Kerzel, V. Franz & K. Gegenfurtner (Hrsg.), 46. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen (S. 48). Giessen: Justus-Liebig-Universität.
External memberships
IGILS: Syndicate for insects as food in Switzerland
IG Sensorik: Syndicate for sensory science
Language skills and intercultural knowledge
Language skills
- German - Native or bilingual proficiency
- English - Full professional proficiency
- French - Elementary proficiency
Intercultural knowledge
- Switzerland
- Thailand
- Brazil
- South Africa