Dr. Pascale Waelti

Dr. Pascale Waelti Dozentin für Int. Livestock Systems
Contact hours
Wednesday -
Berner Fachhochschule
School of Agricultural, Forest and Food Sciences HAFL
Fachbereich Agronomie
Länggasse 85
3052 Zollikofen
Lecturer in international livestock systems at HAFL
Coordinator Problem Based Learning in International Agriculture Bachelor degree
Degree programmes
BSc in international agriculture
BLAi 404 Agriculture and farm economics in developing and transition countries
BLAi 414 People, Plants and Policies: Tropical crops, innovation and macro perspectives in agricultural development
BLAi 428 Crop production and natural resource management in the global context
BLAi 438 Crop-livestock interactions in the global context
BLAi 464 Working in development
BLAi 484 Synthesis week
- Main competences:
Agricultural engineer and biologist with PhD, specialized in livestock sciences and international agriculture with focus on resilience of agro-pastoral production systems and participatory rangeland management
15 years' experience in international cooperation and agronomy, 4 years field work experience in Africa with a variety of teaching-learning and facilitation practices
Lecturer in international livestock systems at HAFL
Specific experience in:
Agronomy and livestock production: Participatory project development and management in smallholder livestock production, pastoralism and agro-pastoralism, participatory rangeland management (PRM) and herder-farmer conflicts
Institutional development: Fundraising, NGO management, quality management, networking
Education: Designing and conducting training/teaching courses and curricula in Switzerland and Africa, moderation and facilitation techniques, several years headed a team applying the Problem Based Learning method at HAFL. Development of Farmer Field Schools (FFS) for livestock production
Research: Team leader in a research project exploring nutrition habit changes and impact on health of migrant pastoral population originating from the Horn of Africa
Professional experience
- Since 2013 Lecturer in international livestock system. HAFL, Zollikofen, Switzerland BFH HAFL, Zollikofen, Switzerland
- 2008-2013 Research associate in International Agriculture. BFH HAFL, Zollikofen, Switzerland
- 2004-2007 Institutional and technical adviser in NGO management and livestock production Réseau d'Action, de Partage et de Solidarité (RAPS) and EIRENE Suisse, Chad,
- 2003-2004 Research and teaching assistant. Feeding trials with piglets Agricultural Institute of Grangeneuve (FR), Switzerland
- April-Sept 2002 Practical training at the Agricultural Research Station in Cinzana Institute of rural economy, Mali
- August-Oct 2001 Practical work. Collaboration to a digestibility trial with sheep Agroscope Liebefeld-Posieux (Agroscope)
- 2000-2001 one year of practical work on a mixed crop-dairy farm Farm H-J Hintermann, Dürrenäsch (AG)
- 1995-2000 Research and teaching assistant Institute of Physiology, Fribourg, Switzerland
External memberships
Board member Vétérinaire Sans Frontières Suisse
Expert comission technique Fribourg Solidaire
Supervised theses
Rediger Melanie Identifizierung von Potenzial und Hindernissen für die Entwicklung des lokalen 2021
Frei Nadia Umfallkrankheit bei Keimlingen im biologischen Karottenanbau 2021
Gherard Melina Impact evaluation of a cooling truck on the camel milk value chain of Anolei Women Cooperative in Isiolo County, Kenya 2019
Christen Michèle Determinantes de la producción lechera en las povincias de lngavi y Omasuyos en Boliva 2018
Tognola Lorenzo Cultural and socio-economic aspects of sheep-farming in the Bregalnica region (Eastern Macedonia) — in the past, now and in future 2017
Araya Solomon Fodder situation in selected intensive dairy farms in Addis Ababa and its possible impact on animal productivity 2016
Dettwiller Sara Youth and Agriculture in the Drylands of Morocco - Opinions of Young Local People on Working Possibilities in the Zagora Region 2015
Corrêa Edouard Documentation of on farm post-harvest handling and analysis of the effects on quantity and quality of main food crops (maize and cowpeas) 2014
Besson Hélène Comparison of different local and improved post-harvest technologies in the North of Mozambique 2013
Besson Hélène Explaining differences in performance for smallholder dairy production in southern Malawi 2016
Witsoe Joshua Participatory Rangeland Management and Watershed Planning by Pastoralist Groups in Morocco 2019
Language skills and intercultural knowledge
Language skills
- French - Native or bilingual proficiency
- English - Full professional proficiency
- German - Professional working proficiency
- Spanish - Limited working proficiency
- Italian - Limited working proficiency
Intercultural knowledge
- Chad
- Mali
- Morocco
- Ethiopia
- Kenya
- Somalia
- Djibouti
- Uganda
- Burkina Faso
- Burundi
- Rwanda
- Cote D'Ivoire