Prof. Dr. Undine Lehmann


Prof. Dr. Undine Lehmann Leiterin MSc Ernährung und Diätetik

  • Contact hours Monday morning
  • Address Berner Fachhochschule
    School of Health Professions
    Fachbereich Ernährung und Diätetik
    Finkenhubelweg 11
    3012 Bern


  • Head of Study Master of Science in Nutrition and Dietetics

  • Member of team applied research and development in Nutrition and Dietetics


  • Malnutrition and sarcopenia

  • Public Health Nutrition: Nutrient profiling, Front-of-Pack labelling, Reformulation, Nutrition recommendations

  • Role development in nutrition and dietetics: Advanced Practice Dietitian



  • Lehmann, U., Uhlmann, K., Meichtry, A., Spielmanns, M., Spielmanns, S., Khatami, R., Marty, L., Rüegsegger, S., Kressig, R. W., Kiss, C. M., Maguire, C., Zurfluh, A., & Marcin, T. (2025). Malnutrition and sarcopenia in inpatient rehabilitation: Prevalence and associations with changes in bodyweight, muscle strength, and functional independence. Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine, 57, jrm42215.

  • Lehmann, U., Flückiger L., Studerus D., Rieckh I., Chatelan, A. (2024): Mehrwert von Advanced Practice Dietitians im interprofessionellen klinischen Behandlungsteam: eine Schweizer Perspektive. Aktuel Ernährungsmed 2024; 49: 392–396. DOI 10.1055/a-2356-8664.

  • Uhlmann, Katja; Schaller, Fabienne; Lehmann, Undine (2022). Current practice of assessing and monitoring muscle strength, muscle mass and muscle function during nutritional care by dietitians in Switzerland – An Online survey. Nutrients, 14(9), S. 1741. MDPI 10.3390/nu14091741

  • Uhlmann, Katja; Strahm, Rachel; Lehmann, Undine; Schmitt, Kai-Uwe (2021). Frühe orale Ernährung nach Pankreaseingriffen - Erfahrungen und Einstellungen von Betroffenen und Gesundheitsfachpersonen Schweizer Zeitschrift für Ernährungsmedizin, 19(4), S. 22-26. Rosenfluh

  • Tetens, I., Birt, C. A., Boeing, H., Bodenbach, S., Bugel, S., De Henauw, S., Grønlund, T., Julia, C., Bonde Konde, A., Kromhout, D., Lehmann, U., Dos Santos, Q., Sokolovic, M., Storcksdieck genannt Bonsmann, S., van Rossum, C.: Food-Based Dietary Guidelines – development of a conceptual framework for future Food-Based Dietary Guidelines in Europe: Report of a Federation of European Nutrition Societies Task-Force Workshop in Copenhagen, 12–13 March 2018. British Journal of Nutrition, 1-7, 2020. doi:10.1017/S0007114520002469

  • Monika Potter, Antonis Vlassopoulos, Undine Lehmann: Snacking Recommendations Worldwide: A Scoping Review. Advances in Nutrition, Volume 9, Issue 2, 1 March 2018, Pages 86–98,

  • Undine Lehmann, Véronique Rheiner Charles, Antonis Vlassopoulos, Gabriel Masset and
    Jörg Spieldenner : Nutrient profiling for product reformulation: public health impact and
    benefits for the consumer. Conference on ‘New technology in nutrition research and practice’
    Nutrient profiling as a tool to respond to public health needs. Nutrition Society Summer
    Meeting 2016 held at University College, Dublin, on 11–14 July 2016. Proceedings of the
    Nutrition Society 2017, Page 1 of 10 doi:10.1017/S0029665117000301.

  • Emilie Combet, Antonis Vlassopoulos, Famke Mölenberg, Mathilde Gressier,
    Lisa Privet, Craig Wratten, Sahar Sharif, Florent Vieux, Undine Lehmann and
    Gabriel Masset: Testing the Capacity of a Multi-Nutrient Profiling System to Guide Food and
    Beverage Reformulation: Results from Five National Food Composition Databases. Nutrients
    2017, 9, 406; doi:10.3390/nu9040406

  • Masset, G., Mathias, K. C., Vlassopoulos A., Mölenberg, F., Lehmann, U., Gibney, M.,
    Drewnowski, A.: Modeled dietary impact of pizza reformulations in US children and
    adolescents. Published in PLOS ONE, 05.10.2016

  • Robin, F., Heindel, Ch., Pineau, N., Srichuwong, S., Lehmann, U: Effect of maize type and
    extrusion-cooking conditions on starch digestibility profiles. Int J Food Sci and Technology
    2016. Volume 51, Issue 6, pages 1319–1326. DOI: 10.1111.ijfst.13098.

  • Vlassopoulos, A., Masset, G., Rheiner Charles, V., Hoover, C., Chesneau-Guillemont, C.,
    Leroy, F., Lehmann, U., Spieldenner, J., Tee, E.S., Gibney, M., Drewnowski,A.: A nutrient
    profiling system for the (re)formulation of a global food and beverage portfolio. Eur J Nutr
    2016, p 1-18. Published online 15 February 2016. DOI 10.1007/s00394-016-1161-9

  • Schaffer-Lequart, C., Lehmann, U., Ross, A.B., Roger, O., Eldridge, A., Ananta, E., Bietry,
    M.F., King, L.R., Moroni, A., Srichuwong, S., Wavreille, A:S:, Redgwell, R., Labat, E., Robin,
    F.: Whole Grain in Manufactured Foods: Current use, Challenges and the way Forward, Crit.
    Rev. Food Sci Nutr 2015, Mar 6 (Epub ahead of print); DOI: 10.1080/10408398.2013.781012

  • Donato-Capel, L., Garcia-Rodenas, C.L., Pouteau, E., Lehmann, U., Srichuwong,S., Erkner,
    A., Kolodziejczyk, E., Hughes, E., Wooster, T.J., Sagalowicz, L.: Chapter 14: Technological
    means to modulate food digestion and physiological response in: Food structures, digestion
    and health, Edited by M. Boland, M. Golding and H. Singh. Academic Press 2014, Elsevier

  • Robin, F., Mérinat, S., Simon, A., Lehmann, U.: Influence of chain length on alpha-1,4-Dglucan
    recrystallisation and slowly digestible starch formation, Starch/Stärke 2008; 60, 551-

  • Lehmann, U. & Robin, F. Slowly digestible starch - its structure and health implications: a
    review. Trends in Food Science & Technology. 2007; 18, 346-355.

  • Lehmann, U., Rössler, Ch., Schmiedl, D., Jacobasch, G.: Production and physicochemical
    characterization of resistant starch type III derived from pea starch, Nahrung/Food 2003; 47
    (1), 60-63.

  • Stohwasser, R., Holzhütter, H.-G., Lehmann, U., Henklein, P., Kloetzel, P.-M.: Hepatitis B
    virus HBx peptide 116-138 and proteasome activator PA28 compete for binding to the
    proteasome α4/MC6 subunit, Biol. Chem. 2003; 384, 39-49. DOI: 10.1515/BC.2003.005

  • Lehmann, U., Jacobasch, G., Schmiedl, D.: Characterization of Resistant Starch Type III
    from Banana (Musa acuminata), J. Agric. Food Chem. 2002; 50 (18), 5236-40. DOI:

  • Schwiertz, A., Lehmann, U., Jacobasch, G., Blaut, M.: Influence of resistant starch on the
    SCFA production and cell counts of butyrate-producing Eubacterium spp. in the human
    intestine, J. Appl. Microbiol. 2002; 93 (1), 157-162. DOI: 10.1046/j.1365-2672.2002.01679.x

  • Lehmann, U., Flamme, W., Schmiedl, D., Jacobasch, G.: Structure and effects of resistant
    starch based on debranched waxy wheat and barley starches, in: Vaculová, K.,
    Ehrenbergerová, J. (Eds.): Cereals for human health and preventive nutrition, Mendel
    University of Agriculture and Forestry Brno, 1998, p. 205-207.

Language skills and intercultural knowledge

  • German
  • English
  • French