Prof. Dr. Joachim Huber

Prof. Dr. Joachim Huber Dozent
Berner Fachhochschule
School of Architecture, Wood and Civil Engineering
Institut Siedlung, Architektur, Konstruk
Aarbergstrasse 112
2502 Biel
Deputy Head of Competence Area Dencity, Institute for Urban Development and Infrastructure ISI,
Department of Architecture, Wood and Civil Engineering, Bern University of Applied Sciences
30% teaching bachelor and master students in architecture, 50% professional acedemic research in the institut ISI BFH AHB
- Joachim Huber,
Dr. Ing. Dipl. Arch. ETH/SIA visarte EMBA HSG
Professor for Architecture
Deputy Head of Dencity - Urban Development and Mobility, Institute of Urban Development and Infrastructure, Bern University of Applied Sciences
Prof. Dr. Huber has been conducting research at BFH since 2006 in the fields of urban development, urban planning and planning, with a special focus on redensification, energy efficiency and spatial visualisation.
2014-2020, he has been involved with a team in the SCCER Mobility - Efficient Technologies and Systems for Mobility, which has resulted in a specialisation in large-scale spatialisation of statistical data, which is implemented with practical partners in applied research and development.
Prof. Dr. Huber has many years of experience abroad in academic research (Bauhaus University Weimar, Ohio State University, Istituto Svizzera die Roma) and has expanded this knowledge with an Executive MBA in General Management from the HSG University of St. Gallen/Switzerland.
Since 2015 Deputy Head of Dencity, Urban Development and Mobility Competence Area at the Bern University of Applied Sciences Architecture, Wood and Building in Burgdorf
2006-2014 Head of the research unit Architecture Processes BFH-AHB,
2004-2006 Executive MBA HSG in General Management at the University of St. Gallen;
2003-2006 Lecturer Szenographicale Design ZHdK Zurich University of the Arts, Department Design
2003; Nomination Swiss Art Award Federal Office of Culture, Art Basel
2001-2002 Visiting professor Ohio State University, practical experience in the Netherlands, Germany and Switzerland;
2000-2001 Scholarship Istituto Svizzero di Roma
2002 Dissertation on "Urban topology, architecture of the borderless city" at the Bauhaus University Weimar;
Practical experience as an architect in the Netherlands, Germany and Switzerland;
1986-1993 Studied architecture at the ETHZ and the Architectural Association London
Professional experience
- 2006-now Professor Bern University of Applied Sciences
- 2003-2006 Lecturer and scientific assistant head of Department Design Zurich University of the Arts ZHdK, Switzerland
- 2004 external consultant architectural compositions Graser Troxler Architects, Switzerland
- 2002-2003 project & construction management conversion & refurbishment Vera Gloor Architects, Switzerland
- 2001-2002 Howard LeFevre Fellow/Assistant Professor The Ohio State University, Knowlton School of Architecture USA
- 2000-2001 research grant Istituto Svizzero die Roma/I
- 1993-2000 Scientific Assistant/Junior Professor and PhD Student Bauhaus-University Weimar, Departement Design
- 1993 employee Dudler, Dudler, Wellbergen Architects, Frankfurt a.M. / Germany
- 1988-89 intern Jo Coenen Architect, Eindhoven/NL
- 1985-86 intern Arnold Amsler Architect Winterthur/Switzerland
- 1995-2002 Dr.Ing. (PhD) Bauhaus-University Weimar/Germany
- 1986-1993 Diploma in Architecture (= Master Degree), Dipl.Arch.ETH Federal Institut of Techniology ETH Zürich /Switzerland
- 1989-1990 Guest Student Diploma Unit 1+2 Architectural Association, School of Architecture
- 2006-2007 Certificate of Advanced Studies CAS in Behavioral Finance University of Zurich/Switzerland
- 2010 EFQM (European Fundation for Quality Management) Assessor , BFH/Switzerland
2008 Strategical Prozessmanagement HSG University of St.Gallen/Switzerland
2007 Strategical R&D Management, INSEAD/Wahrton Fontainleau/F
Joachim Huber (forthcomming 2021); “T(r)opology and urban density”, in: J.Dünne, M.Bengert,A.Mahler, Workshop “Tropologie”, Humbolt University Berlin/Freie University Berlin, 21.-22.02.2019
Huber, Joachim; Vezzini, Andrea; Caliandro, Priscilla (21 November 2020). "ZERO-CO2 PUBLIC TRANSPORT: FROM VEHICLE TO SYSTEM OPTIMIZATION" In: 11. Energy research conference SFOI
Huber, Joachim; Abegglen, Marcel (23 November 2020). "Analysis of Decentered Clusters and Transversal Supply"; In: 7th Annual Conference SCCER Mobility: ETHZ 23.11.2020.
Huber, Joachim (4 September 2020). "CO2 optimized planning of e-bus routes through neighbourhoods" In: 21. BRENT Statusseminar 2020; Conference Center Aarau
Huber, Joachim (2018) "2001-2002"; S. 16-23 in: Benjamin Wilke (ed.); The Howard Lefevre Fellowship 2000-2017, AR+D Publishing ORO Editions 2018, ISBN: 978-1-94o743-78-3
Joachim Huber (2008); “Intelligent Skinn, big, scaleless.” In: Vera Bühlmann,Martin Wiedmer (Eds.), pre-specifics: Some comparatistic investigations on research in design and art, Ed.Ringier.
Joachim Huber (2007 2nd edition); Urban Topology. The Architecture of the boundaryless City; Bauhaus-University Weimar EditionEdition,
Joachim Huber (2007); Joachim Huber “ArchiTopology” in: Stephan Günzel(ed.) Topologie. Zur Raumbeschreibung in den Kultur- und Medienwissenschaften, Transcript Verlag, Bielefeld 2007
Joachim Huber (2004): *The Liminoid Zone(-s): Criteria Space of Transition.*, S.21-28; Cumulus Working Papers Nr. 13/04 CUMULUS/UIAH Design Konferenz Utrecht/NL 2004; ISBN 951-558-174-5,
Joachim Huber/Mouthon (2004): „In-Stabilities“, S.98-119, in: H.P.Schwarz (Ed.) "H.P.Schwarz (Hrsg.);»Produktionsweisen», Zürcher Jahrbuch der Künste, ZHdK ISBN 3-906437-11-6
Joachim Huber (2004): „Designweltenerzeugungen“, S.97-111, in: Swiss Design 2004, „Innovation“, BAK Hrsg; Verlag Lars Müller, ISBN 3-03778-044-4
Joachim Huber(1998), "Urbane Topologie als Mediatisierung" S.338-347 in: Walter Prigge (ed.) Periperie ist überall, Campus Verlag, Edition Bauhaus, Frankfurt, New York 1998
Internal memberships
- 2015: QM/EFQM Assessor; AHB representative in the BFH Commission for Evaluation & Quality KEQ
Language skills and intercultural knowledge
Language skills
- English - Professional working proficiency
- French - Limited working proficiency
- German - Native or bilingual proficiency
- Spanish - Elementary proficiency
- Italian - Limited working proficiency
- Dutch - Elementary proficiency
Intercultural knowledge
- Germany
- Argentina
- Italy
- France
- Netherlands
- United Kingdom
- United States of America