Prof. Dr. Klazine Van der Horst

Prof. Dr. Klazine Van der Horst Direktorin
Contact hours
Thursday -
Berner Fachhochschule
School of Health Professions
Murtenstrasse 10
3008 Bern
Director School of Health Professions
Focus areas
Children's eating behaviors
Determinants of eating behaviors
Dietary intake studies
Nutrition communication and food labeling
Degree programmes
Bsc and Msc Nutrition & Dietetics
Msc Food Nutrition and Health (HAFL)
Nutrition Assessment (MSc)
Public Health Nutrition (BSc, MSc)
Dietary intake and Consumer Behavior, Master of Gastronomy, Basque Culinary Center, San Sebastian, Spain (2017)
Food & Consumer Behavior, MSc Food Science, ETH Zürich, Switzerland (2009-2011)
Patient communication, BSc Medicine, Erasmus Medical Center, Netherlands (2007/2008)
Children's Eating Behaviors
Influence of cooking and cooking skills on behavior and health
Behavior change and interventions
Dietary Intake studies
Nutrition communication for diverse groups
Nutrition labeling
Professional experience
- 06/2019 - 04/2023 Head of Research, School of Health Professions Bern University of Applied Sciences
- 06/2018 - 12/2023 Head of applied R&D Nutrition and Dietetics Bern University of Applied Sciences
- 02/2017 - 05/2018 Goup Leader Dietary Intake Nestlé Research Center, Lausanne
- 06/2013 - 01/2017 Senior Scientist Public Health Nutrition & Project Manager Sustainable Nutrition Research Program Nestlé Research Center, Lausanne
- 09/2011 - 05/2013 Scientist Consumer Behavior Nestlé Research Center, Lausanne
- 12/2018 - 08/2011 Post-doctoral Scientist Consumer Behavior ETH Zürich
- 05/2008 - 11/2008 Post-doctoral Scientist Erasmus University Medical Center, Department of Public Health, Rotterdam
- 08/2004 - 04/2008 PhD Erasmus University Medical Center, Department of Public Health, Rotterdam
- 01/2003 - 07/2004 Junior researcher VU Medical Center, Department of Social Medicine, EMGO Institute, Amsterdam
- 07.09.2009 PhD: ENDORSE Environmental Determinants of Overweight in Rotterdam Schoolchildren. Erasmus University Rotterdam, the Netherlands
- 2006 Msc Public Health Netherlands Institute for Health Sciences, Erasmus University Medical Center, Rotterdam
- 2003 Msc Health Sciences, Health Education & Health promotion Maastricht University, the Netherlands
- 2001 Bsc Nutrition & Dietetics University of Applied Sciences (HAN), Nijmegen, the Netherlands
- 2020 - Good Clinical Practice (TRREE online course)
- 2016 - Nestlé Micro MBA Program – 50% of ECTS points
- 2016 - Certified trainer leadership development "Intent-Based Leadership”
- 2012/13 - Project Management. Introduction and practitioners trainings.
- 2006 - Theory construction and statistical modeling, Utrecht University, Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences, Utrecht, the Netherlands
External memberships
Board member Society of European Nutritionist Associations (SENA)
Member of the Advisory Board Diagnostics-4-Future Conference
Board member International Union of Nutritional Sciences (IUNS)
Supervised theses
Anja Koch Die Qual der Wahl beim Mittagessen – Ernährungsverhalten von Jugendlichen am Gymnasium 2021
Sandra Kertic and Corinne Zimmermann Gesund, aber nur zu Hause? Einfluss von Determinanten des häuslichen Umfelds auf das Ernährungsverhalten von Schweizer Kindern 2021
Muriel Moser Der NutriScore, ein selbsterklärendes Label? 2020
Fabian Jeker Diabetes im Schulalltag: Der Wissensstand von Schweizer Lehrpersonen 2020
Giulia Tedde and Michael Jäggi goFOODTM-App versus 24h-Recall: ein Vergleich zweier Ernährungserhebungsmethoden im Falle von Mahlzeiten 2019
Sarah Hübscher, Msc Food Nutrition & Health Intergenerational transmission of food literacy within three generations of Swiss German families: a qualitative study 2022
Petra Plüss, MSc Nutrition & Dietetics Ernährungsmanagement bei Demenz in Deutschschweizer Alters- und Pflegeheimen aus Sicht der Pflege: eine qualitative Studie 2022
Marina Beyeler, MSc Nutrition & Dietetics Usability and Overall Perception of a Health Bot for Nutrition Related Questions for Bariatric Patients: a Mixed Method Approach 2022
Maryann Rolands, Msc Food Nutrition & Health Development and evaluation of a Diet Quality Index for preschool children in an Asian population: Growing Up in Singapore Towards healthy Outcomes cohort study 2021
Ilona Gaspar, MAS Health and Nutrition ETH Zürich Perceptions of Children’s Nutrition Education in Switzerland: A Qualitative Study 2020
Sonja Schönberg, Msc Food Nutrition & Health Validity and inter-rater reliability of the Home-Cooking EnviRonment and equipment Inventory Observation Form (Home-CookERITM) 2020
Valentina Langa, Msc Food Nutrition & Health Eating behaviours in Toddlers: An Analysis of Eating Occasion Variables on Eating Rate 2020
Michele Serra, Msc Food Nutrition & Health De nutricatione in senectute A quantitative and qualitative analysis of the experience of mealtimes in senior centres 2019
Raha Rajaei, Msc Food Nutrition & Health Complementary food consumed by children 6-23 months and po-tential factors associated with their diet in Dessie Zuria District, Northern Ethiopia 2019
Veronica Ortiz-Pinchetti Vargas (ETH Zürich) Consumers’ reasons and attitudes towards vitamins and mineral supplements consumption in Switzerland 2011
Nina Ulrich (ETH Zürich) Einfluss der Eltern-Kind-Kommunikation auf das Essverhalten des Kindes 2010
Kathrin Rapp Schürmann (ETH Zürich) Übergewicht bei älteren Adoleszenten in der Schweiz: Grundlagen für Präventionsstrategien 2009
Language skills and intercultural knowledge
Language skills
- English - Full professional proficiency
- German - Full professional proficiency
- French - Limited working proficiency
- Dutch - Native or bilingual proficiency