Prof. Robert Lehmann

Prof. Robert Lehmann Lehrbeauftragte/r
Berner Fachhochschule
School of Agricultural, Forest and Food Sciences HAFL
Abteilung Studiengangsübergr Disziplinen
Länggasse 85
3052 Zollikofen
Consultant for VET-Systems, teaching and extension methodology
Moderation and process facilitation
Leiter Fachgruppe Unterricht und Beratung (retired 2021)
Head of Minor teaching and extension (retired 2021)
Head of Research Area Knowledge Systems and Knowledge Transfer (retired 2021)
Focus areas
Main competences:• Teaching methodology, teacher training, vocational education • Curriculum development and design of qualification procedures • Leadership and general management in an educational context, with ten years of successful experience as head of a large VET-Centre
VET-systems, knowledge transfer
Professional experience
- since 2013 Head of Unit Teaching and Extension, Responsible for education of VET-teacher program, Consultancies in Switzerland and abroad
- since 2011 Lecturer for VET-systems, Training and Extension Methodology. Focus on training and education management, vocational education and training systems, curriculum development, knowledge transfer
- 2002-2011 Head of Education and Deputy Director General at Inforama, School for VET in agriculture and related fields of the Canton of Bern, Switzerland (1500 students, 250 staff members)
- 1994-2002 Lecturer and scientific associate for didactics and methodology of teaching of Agricultural and Food Sciences at the ETH Zurich, Institute of Behavioral Sciences
- 1991-1994 Expert for training and extension in the Indo-Swiss Project Andhra Pradesh India in Hyderabad, India
- 1984-1991 Teacher and extension expert at the Vocational Agricultural School Emmental,
- Experiences and mandates in Georgia, Armenia, Mongolia, Nigeria, India, etc
Language skills and intercultural knowledge
Language skills
- German
- English
- French
Intercultural knowledge
- Georgia
- Armenia
- India
- Nigeria
- Mongolia
- Canada
- Switzerland