Evaluation Ausbildungsstation Lindenhof
In times of scarce resources, the training station model offers an attractive innovation in practical training.
- Schools involved School of Health Professions
- Institute(s) Nursing
- Research unit(s) Innovation in the Field of Health Care and Human Resources Development
- Funding organisation Others
- Duration (planned) 01.02.2023 - 31.12.2025
- Head of project Fabienne Josefine Renggli
- Project staff Jannic Stefan Bieri
There is a shortage of well-qualified staff in the healthcare sector. In addition, there is a high rate of early career exits, usually early in the career. One reason for early career exits is inadequate preparation for the requirements after completing training. The staff shortage also has an impact on the quality of training in healthcare organizations. As a result, there are no longer enough practice trainers with the necessary skills available for the trainees. In times of scarce resources, the training ward model offers an attractive innovation in practical training. Trainees and students care for patients in the training ward under supervision. Studies have shown that such training settings facilitate the transition to professional activity after graduation by developing role-specific skills profiles. Trainees feel better prepared for their future work as a result.
Course of action
The Lindenhof Group is implementing the concept of a training ward in a department at Lindenhof Hospital. Bern University of Applied Sciences (BFH) was commissioned to carry out an evaluation of the extent to which the implementation of the training ward affects the working conditions of healthcare staff and how these effects relate to job satisfaction. The results provide a decision-making basis for accompanying measures to optimize the training ward. The evaluation procedure is carried out at several measurement points before and after the introduction of the training ward for different professional groups.