Prof. Dr. Sven Feurer


Prof. Dr. Sven Feurer Co-Institutsleiter

  • Adresse Berner Fachhochschule
    Institut Marketing & Global Management
    Brückenstrasse 73
    3005 Bern



  • von Allmen, Yannick, Sven Feurer, and Tina von Däniken (2025), Towards a Better Understanding of Consumer Fairness Perceptions of Dynamic Ski Pass Prices: How Price-Setting Based on Weather Takes its Toll. Accepted for presentation at the European Marketing Academy EMAC Conference 2025 (Madrid).

  • Ryf, Svenja; Feurer, Sven; von Däniken, Tina (2024). Is a Pink Tax Perceived Less Fair than a Blue Tax? In: 53rd Annual Conference of the European Marketing Academy. Bucharest, Romania. May 26-28, 2024.

  • Feurer, Sven, Stefan Rose, Jonas Berger, Miriam Fux, Livia Graf, Roman Schaad, Janick Scheidegger, and Fabian Zbinden (2023), Do Service Robots Impair Consumer Fairness Perceptions of a Price Increase? Proceedings of the EMAC Annual Conference, Odense, Denmark (May 23-26).

  • Roggenkämper, Luisa, Sven Feurer, and Monika C. Schuhmacher (2023). Unlocking Shelf Performance Potential in Stationary Retail Using Artificial Intelligence: Learning from Digital Shelf Twin Data, In: Proceedings of the EMAC Annual Conference, Odense, Denmark (May 23-26).