Empowering Communities

This project explores new approaches to dealing with the built environment in a sustainable way by integrating expert knowledge into participatory and value-driven methods.

Fiche signalétique

  • Départements participants Architecture, bois et génie civil
    Haute école des arts de Berne
  • Institut(s) Institut Matérialité dans l'art et la culture 
  • Unité(s) de recherche Autres projets, recherche sur mandat
  • Champ thématique stratégique Champ thématique "Développement durable"
  • Organisation d'encouragement BFH
  • Durée (prévue) 01.06.2024 - 30.05.2025
  • Direction du projet Prof. Dr. Nina Mekacher
    Prof. Dr. Joachim Huber
  • Équipe du projet Henriette Lutz
    Dr. Stefan Wülfert


We propose a new comprehensive methodology for assessing, preserving and transforming the built environment. It is value-driven and integrates elements of participation in every stage of its development using and adapting the cultural probes technique. It will be explored in field trials in cooperation with local authorities in the Canton Fribourg, it will be introduced into the Curriculum “Architecture” at Bern University of Applied Sciences, and it will be incorporated into of a new SIA-Norm.