Prof. Marcus Hudritsch

Prof. Marcus Hudritsch Dozent
Freitag -
Berner Fachhochschule
Technik und Informatik
Höheweg 80
2502 Biel
BTI4402 Introduction to Image Processing and Artificial Intelligence
BTI4404 Advanced Image Processing and Artificial Intelligence
BTI4406 Special Topics in Image Processing and Artificial Intelligence
BTI7527 Game Development
BTI7534 Advanced Game Development
Image Analysis and Image Synthesis
2D & 3D Computer Graphics
Augmented and Virtual Reality
Image based Machine Learning
- 1993-1995 Leitender Architekt CoBau AG, Stein am Rhein
- 1997-2004 Software Ingenieur ProcessLink AG, Basel
- 2001-2010 40% Dozent für Computergrafik und Bildverarbeitung FHNW
- 2010-2012 100% Dozent für Computergrafik und Bildverarbeitung FHNW
- 2012- 100% Dozent für Computergrafik und Bildverarbeitung BFH
- 1979-1985 Matura Gymnasium Biel
- 1986 Englisch Diplom Sprachschule Perth Australien
- 1986-1992 Dipl. Arch. ETH ETH Zürich
- 1991 Austauschsemester International School of Architecture Ahmedabad, Indien
- 1996-1997 Dipl. Inf. NDS Ingenieurschule beider Basel
Weitere Projekte
2017-18: In the ADPS - Alzheimer Disease Prediction Service (KTI 18996.2 PFLS-LS) project, a mobile application is being developed in which information for a non-invasive diagnosis of Alzheimer's is collected using an augmented reality game and the movement sensor data. The game will be played by patients with a risk of Alzheimer Disease. Current state-of-the-art diagnostic measures of Alzheimer's disease (AD) are invasive (cerebrospinal fluid analysis), expensive (neuroimaging) and time-consuming (neuropsychological assessment) and thus have limited accessibility as frontline screening and diagnostic tools for AD. This project proposes a novel computational biomaker for mobile phones (ADPS) which may facilitate early and potentially more effective therapeutic and preventative strategies for AD.
2014-2015: In the i-Lumica Expert Gate project (KTI 14281-1 PFES-ES), a system consisting of 40 cameras and 20 beamers was developed with which Ha-gel cells can be detected on car bodies. The application realizes several modules to accomplish these tasks. A data acquisition module retrieves 2D and 3D data from the surface scanning hardware provided by i-Lumica AG. Depending on the current analysis run, the 3D data part is cleaned, repaired and optimized to produce mesh data of cars which act as virtual master models. A segmentation module is used to identify, segment and store car body parts based on these master models. Finally, a surface analysis module uses the acquired 2D hail damage data of an ad-hoc car body to simulate hail and assess damaged parts based on the master model of the same car type.
The information gained from such a damage analysis is stored in enhanced databases for further analysis and online access as well as online visualization for 3rd party service providers like insurance companies, logistics experts and engineers.2012-2014: In the Multimodal Passenger Flow Control System (KTI 13316.1 PFFLE-IW) project, intelligent stereo cameras were developed with which the flow of people in large buildings can be monitored. The camera system was successfully launched on the market.
Betreute Arbeiten
Janick Stucki Paragliding AR 2023
Bryan Tabinas & Raatheban Rajakumar Product Placement in 3D Environments 2023
David Käser Utility Designer for Unity 2023
Fredy Maeder Visual Inertial Odometry 2023
Marc Affolter Particle System in OpenGL 2022
Damain Schüpbach Sailing VR 2022
Luca Ritz & Lukas Seglias Billiard-AI 2021
Sylvain Barthe & Sandro Scherrrer Goalie VR 2021
Daniel Cameron Automatic Video Object Removal 2020
Olivier Gafner, Frederik Heck, Yannik Stuker Stratoon (Tracked Stratospere Balloon) 2020
David Märki Semantic Segmentation for LOCSIM 2020
Michael Schertenleib Shadow Mapping with OpenGL in SLProject 2020
Steven Henz UI Framework for Oculus VR 2020
Nic Dorner Ray Tracing with Optix 2019
Joel Frutiger HoloLens for Machine Maintenance 2019
Roland Bruggmann Volume Rendering in Unity 2016
Nic Dorner Eularian Video Magnification 2019
Michael Utz Player Tracking 2018
Stefan Töni Voxel Cone Tracing 2018
Jan Dellsperger & David Sheppard Low Cost Motion Capturing System 2018
Matthias Spring VR Kitchen Configurator 2018
Sebastian Häni & Raphael Laubscher Thermal Infrared Scanner for SBB Trains 2017
Vincent Genecand & Lukas Knöpfel Hololens for BIM 2017
Patrik Marti & Mathias Winkler Tetris GameBot 2016
Tina Gerber Face Morphing in PCA Space 2016
Daniel Probst & Kaspar Schmid Billard Tracking at 120 FPS 2013
Sprachen- und Länderkenntnisse
- Deutsch - Muttersprache oder zweisprachig
- Englisch - Fliessend
- Französisch - Konversationssicher