Dr. Dominic Blättler

Dr. Dominic Blättler Dozent Ländl. Entwicklung & Innovation
Berner Fachhochschule
Hochschule für Agrar-, Forst- und Lebensmittelwissenschaften HAFL
Fachbereich Agronomie
Länggasse 85
3052 Zollikofen
Dozent Ländliche Entwicklung & Innovation
BSc in Agronomie
MSc Life Sciences
MSc E-3: Sustainable Natural Resource Management
MSc AF-32: Policies and Institutions as Drivers for Development and Innovation
MSc AF-33: Rural Development in Practice
BSc BLAi-134: Projects and Policies
BSc BLAi-024: People, Plants and Policies
- Dozent Ländliche Entwicklung & Innovation; PhD Social Sciences; tätig in Lehre, Forschung und Beratung
Erfahrung in:
Projektmanagement in angewandten Forschungsprojekten und Dienstleistungsmandaten im Zusammenhang mit Landwirtschaft und ländlicher Entwicklung, insbesondere in interdisziplinären und multikulturellen Teamumgebungen
Unterstützung von internationalen Entwicklungsinitiativen, Evaluationen und Reviews
Agrar- und Forstpolitik, Innovationen in der Landwirtschaft, Kommunikations- und Wissensnetzwerke, ländliche Entwicklung, Lebensunterhalt, Natürliches Ressourcenmanagement, Governance, Beziehung Staat/Gesellschaft
Qualitative und quantitative Forschung, Umfragen, statistische Analyse, Netzwerkanalyse
- 1990 Lehrerdiplom (equivalent to BA in Education) Lehrerseminar Bern, Schweiz
- 1999 lic.phil.nat. (equivalent to BSc & MSc) Geographie Universität Bern, Schweiz
- 2008 PhD Social Sciences Universität Oxford, UK
- 2018 Training course Fragility, Conflict & Statebuilding; swisspeace, Switzerland (3 days)
2013 Training course Participatory Planning, Monitoring & Evaluation at Wageningen University, Netherlands (3 weeks)
2013 Zertifikat Hochschuldidaktik, BFH, Schweiz
2010 Training for Facilitators, at AGRIDEA, Switzerland (5 days)
Weitere Projekte
2020-ongoing. Quality & Compliance Study Fruits & Vegetables Value Chain GQSP Georgia, in Georgia; funded by UNIDO.
2019-ongoing. Project Agri/Peace, in Palestine; funded by EFORD/SUDAC.
2019-20. Analysis of the Agricultural Knowledge and Information System Georgia, in Georgia; funded by UNDP.
2018-19. External Review of the Sustainable Livelihood and Social Development (SLSD) project, in Afghanistan; funded by SDC.
2014. External Review of the Sustainable Land Management Project (SLMP), in Afghanistan; funded by SDC.
2013-14. Study for outcome monitoring and learning in potato cultivation within the project ILRC, in Afghanistan; funded by HSI.
2013-14. Mid-term Review Global Programme Food Security SDC, in Switzerland; funded by SDC.
Leveraging research partnerships to achieve the 2030 Agenda (2019)
Saric J; D Blaettler, B Bonfoh, S Hostettler, E Jimenez, B Kiteme, I Koné, JA Lys, H Masanja, E Steinger, BR Upreti, J Utzinger, MS Winkler, T Breu. 2019. Leveraging research partnerships to achieve the 2030 Agenda: Experiences from North-South cooperation. GAIA 28 (2): 143-150.
External Review SLSD (2019)
Blaettler D, W Wardak, 2019. External Review Sustainable Livelihood and Social Development Project SLSD. Afghanistan. SDC Kabul, 53p.
The Rustaq Study (2017)
Blaettler D, B Wolfgramm, R Zehnder, A Haidery, R Kirgizbekova, T Leuzinger, P Fehle. 2017. The Rustaq NRM Study. Potentials and Limitations for Improved Natural Resource Management in Mountain Communities in Rustaq District, Afghanistan. Final Report. SDC Kabul, 53p.
From Peasants to Lords (2016)
Hutton C, D Blaettler. 2016. From Peasants to Lords. The Intellectual Evolution of Grant Evans. Journal for Laos Studies 3 (1): 24-36.
Outcome Monitoring Potatoes (2014)
Blaettler D, S Bhuchar, J Sediqi, 2014. Potato cultivation in Saighan & Kahmard. A case study for outcome monitoring and learning within the project ILRC, Afghanistan. Helvetas Swiss Intercooperation Kabul, 19p.
External Review SLMP (2014)
Blaettler D, H Musadiq, 2014. External Review Sustainable Land Management Project SLMP. Afghanistan. SDC Kabul, 35p.
Linking Herders to Carbon Markets (2014)
Guenat D, D Blaettler, T Haller, B Batkhishig. 2014. Linking Herders to Carbon Markets. Synthesis Report. SDC Ulaanbataar, Bern, 59p.
State of Mind (2008)
Blaettler D. 2008. State of Mind. Forest ownership, the private sphere and governance in reform socialist transition. Oxford, University of Oxford [PhD thesis].
Mitgliedschaften extern
Merton College & St Antony's College, Oxford University, Alumni
Oxford Union, member
Sprachen- und Länderkenntnisse
- Deutsch - Muttersprache oder zweisprachig
- Englisch - Verhandlungssicher
- Französisch - Konversationssicher
- Afghanistan
- Vietnam
- Georgien
- Indien
- Mongolei
- Schweiz
- Staat Palästina
- Iran
- Hongkong
- Vereinigtes Königreich Großbritannien und Nordirland
- Bangladesch
- Japan