Prof. Dr. Bernhard Pauli

Prof. Dr. Bernhard Pauli Leiter Fachbereich Waldwissenschaften
Berner Fachhochschule
Hochschule für Agrar-, Forst- und Lebensmittelwissenschaften HAFL
Fachbereich Waldwissenschaften
Länggasse 85
3052 Zollikofen
- Since 2011 Head of the Forestry Division at the Bern University of Applied Sciences School of Agricultural, Forest and Food Sciences HAFL
- 2004 - 2010 Professor of Forest Management and Process Engineering Swiss College of Agriculture, Department of Forestry SHL
- 2001 - 2004 Senior Consultant (Industry consulting for „Forest Industries“) Jaakko Pöyry Management Consulting (Europe) GmbH
- 1999 - 2001 Scientific collaborator (subject of Business and forest work) Bavarian State Institute of Forestry
- 1996 - 1999 Scientific Collaborator (PHD Student) Institute of Forest Politics and Forest History at the LMU Munich/ Weihenstephan
- 1999 PhD in Forest politics (Dr. rer.silv..) Faculty of Forestry at the LMU-Munich, Germany
- 2002 Diploma in Economic Engineering Technical University Munich, Germany
- 1999 Pre-Degree in Sociology Department of Sociology at the LMU-Munich, Germany
- 1996 Diploma in Forestry Faculty of Forestry at the LMU-Munich, Germany
Mitgliedschaften extern
Verwaltungsrat Precious Woods AG
Sounding Board Member Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Forstwesen
Vorstand S-WIN