Prof. Daniel Heine

Prof. Daniel Heine Dozent für Lebensmitteltechnologie
Freitag -
Berner Fachhochschule
Hochschule für Agrar-, Forst- und Lebensmittelwissenschaften HAFL
Fachbereich Food Science & Management
Länggasse 85
3052 Zollikofen
Lecturer and Researcher Food Technology and Bioconversion
External PhD student (ETHZ) "Fermentation of Moringa leaf protein"
Bachelor: Carbohydrates in Foods, Technology of Plant based Foods, Food Fermentations
Master: Current Issues in Food, Nutrition and Health
Bioconversion strategies (fermentation and enzymatic treatments) for high-value foods
Upcycling of current food industry by-products under consideration of technocommercial aspects
Weitere Projekte
2023: Saccharification of plant-based side streams using fungal fermentations (InnoBooster)
2023: Vitamin B9 enrichment of whey permeate using lactic acid fermentations (SATW 4.0)
2019-2022: Innosuisse project "FermPlant" on controlled fermentation of Sauerkraut for improved taste and added value (joint project with Agroscope and Schoeni Finefood)
2019-2021: Assistance on investigation of fermentative strategies in project "Fermeat", evaluating the utilisibility of filamentous fungi for the production of plant-based meat substitutes
2018-2019: HAFL internal project in Food Systems call, Bioconversion of spent mushroom substrate for production of fibres and bioactives
2018-2019: HAFL internal project in Food Systems call, Fermentation concepts for the natural insitu formation of vitamin B12 in non-alcoholic vegan drinks
2015-2016: HAFL internal project in Food Systems call, Sustainable, healthy and tasty meat alternatives
2015: Swiss Food Research Project on Valorisation approaches for Okara
Betreute Arbeiten
Fabienne Bärtschi Establishment of a reliable procedure for the tofu production at lab-scale 2015
Salome Lehmann Evaluation of the usability of OKARA in high-protein bread formulations 2016
Manuela Mazzariello Usability of OKARA in vegan food products 2016
Raffaele Guelpa Extraction and characterization of OKARA-based dietary fibre 2016
Raphael Zeller Optimization of process control of a pasta production line for consistent quality 2016
Mauricio Rampa Fermentation of OKARA 2017
Michael Rüttimann Concepts for controlled vegetable fermentations with mild acidity 2017
Janine Amgarten Plant-based vitamin B12 sources 2017
Valerie Zellweger OKARA-based Tempeh 2018
Marco Schenk Characterisation of Moringa leaf-based proteins 2018
Nicolas Pirolet Raffination von Pflanzenölen mittels Kurzwegdestillation 2018
Angela Müller Investigations on quality parameters in water kefir 2019
Eva Maria Schütz Selektion von Leuconostoc-Stämmen zur Fermentation von Sauerkraut 2020
Yves Kölliker Quantifizierung von Vitamin B12 mittels HPLC Analytik 2020
Antonella Nadia Lardi Optimierung eines fermentierten Getränks auf der Basis von Molken- proteinkonzentrat 2021
Moritz Müller Enzymatische Hydrolyse von Moringablattprotein 2021
Lucie Mouron Fermentation d'extrait de lupin pour la production d'arômes de fromage 2022
Daniel Wieland Public-private partnership concept evaluation for the operation of a culture collection in Switzerland 2016
John Barrett Upscaling of a Salami production process 2017
Andrew Tony-Odigie Development of High-protein Spreads for Pregnant and Lactating Women in India 2018
Raffaele Guelpa Quantification of glucosinolates in protein extract from Moringa oleifera leaves 2019
Beatrice Lipp Product development of a plant-based yoghurt alternative 2020
Vertika Singh Characteristics and sensory aspect of moringa leaf protein powder 2020
Ulisse Hardmeier Targeted Sauerkraut fermentations with Propionibacterium spp. for natural enrichment in Vitamin B12 2021
Raphael Convertini Elucidation of protein-polyphenol interactions in Moringa oleifera leaves during protein extraction using an in-vitro digestion model 2022
Silvia Eschengerd D-allulose: A suitable sugar replacer in yogurt? 2023
Simin Dehghani Evaluation of Fermentation Concepts for Almond-based Gels 2023
Varia More than 50 supervised term papers on various topics in the food sciences and/or bioconversion domain at Bachelor's and Master's level 2014-ongoing
Sprachen- und Länderkenntnisse
- Deutsch - Muttersprache oder zweisprachig
- Englisch - Verhandlungssicher
- Französisch - Fliessend