Prof. Dr. Lindsey Norgrove

Prof. Dr. Lindsey Norgrove Dozentin für trop. Pflanzenbau
Berner Fachhochschule
Hochschule für Agrar-, Forst- und Lebensmittelwissenschaften HAFL
Fachbereich Agronomie
Länggasse 85
3052 Zollikofen
HAFL representative for the Swiss Forum on International Agricultural Research (SFIAR)
HAFL alternate representative for Agrinatura
Research coordination
agroecology, soil science, invasive species, soil fauna, agroforestry, shifting cultivation, tropical forestry,
- 2017 - zuerst Dozentin, dann Professorin für tropischen Pflanzenbau BFH-HAFL, Zollikofen, Schweiz
- 2013 - 2015 Stipendiatin des Marie-Heim-Vögtlin-Programms lnstitut für Natur-, Landschafts- und Umweltschutz (NLU) – Biogeographie, Universität Basel, Schweiz
- 2013 Beraterin International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, Ibadan, Nigeria
- 2008-2012 Global Director für invasive Arten CABI, Delémont, Schweiz
- 2004-2007 Juniorprofessorin/Forschungsgruppenleiterin Fachgebiet Biodiversität und Landrehabilitation in den Tropen und Subtropen, Universität Hohenheim, Deutschland
- 2001-2004 Ökologin International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), Yaoundé, Kamerun
- 1995 - 1999 PhD: «Crop, weed & soil responses to tree density and implications for nutrient cycling in a tropical agrisilvicultural system» Life Sciences, King's College, University of London, Grossbritannien
- 1989 - 1992 B.A. Hons, Pure & Applied Biology. Thesis über die klassische biologische Bekämpfung und chemische Ökologie von Riesenbastkäfern University of Oxford, Grossbritannien
Weitere Projekte
Valuation of non-Timber Forest Products in tropical production: a systematic review of existing research (with Jürgen Blaser, HAFL). Precious Forests Foundation, CH.
ERA-ARD (EC FP6) Impacts of tropical land use conversion to Jatropha on rural livelihoods & ecosystem services in India and Mexico. (co-written by B Muys, KU Leuven, Belgium) 565023 €
Canopy dynamics of two „climate-smart“ cassava varieties under drought in SW Nigeria (MSc work, S Ojo). Part of African Cassava Agronomy Initiative at IITA, a 5 year Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation funded project in 5 countries in Africa (Nigeria, Tanzania, DRC, Ghana and Kenya) aiming to increase the availability of appropriate and affordable technologies to sustainably improve short and long-term agricultural productivity in cassava in the target countries.,
CABI Development Fund. Adaptation to Climate Change. 42557 GBP
Taking stock of carbon along a land-use gradient in the Javanese Highlands (MSc J van der Poel) .In collaboration with L Probst, BOKU Vienna, Austria and Arini, Yogyakarta University, Indonesia, MSc thesis HAFL. In English. Erasmus+ project Food Security and Climate Change, coordinated by BOKU Austria and UGM Indonesia
CABI Development Fund. Developing Partnerships: Invasive Species. 22143 GBP
Optimising nutrient management in Bolivian horticultural systems. MSc L Kuonen
Hart Energy Consulting. Bioenergy Land Use Change Review (with J Vos, CABI) 19000 GBP
Edge effects on natural enemies of insect pests in vineyards in California and Switzerland. (MSc R C Phelps)
CABI Development Fund. Biofuels and Climate Change. 24911 GBP
How shade and nutrient management treatments interact and affect pest and disease dynamics in Ecuadorian coffee systems (MSc K Piato)
Robert Bosch Foundation, Germany. Understanding land degradation and developing rehabilitation techniques for degraded landscapes. 406000 Euros
A longitudinal study on farmer management and yields of cacao agroforests in Cameroon from 2001-2018. Blomme S - KUL with B Muys
Mars Masterfoods, USGS, USAID, USA. Cacao agroforestry (Sustainable Tree Crops Programme of IITA) 300000 USD
Reassessing the role of remnant trees in shifting cultivation systems in the tropics. MSc A Davatgar.
Betreute Arbeiten
Canet M 2005 Effets du substrat (sol ou excréta) et de sa gestion sur la croissance et la germination de laitue et piment. ENSHAP, Angers, France 2005
Pavese A Agroforesterie au sud-Cameroun. Ecole Forestière de Meymec, France. 51 pp 2006
Yonghachea P F Farmers’ perceptions of Imperata cylindrica and Chromolaena odorata fallows in the North West, South West and Littoral Provinces of Cameroon. Universitaet Hohenheim, Germany. with R Schultze-Kraft 2005
Dux J Impact of Leaf Residues of Imperata cylindrica, Chromolaena odorata and Phyllanthus discoideus on Soil Enzyme Activity 86 pp. Co-supervised with J Zeitz, B Wick. Humboldt University, Germany 2005
Tieche B Estimations de biomasse d’ Inga edulis par l’allometrie. DEA, Université de Yaoundé I, Cameroun. 2005
Ndzana T Effet des facteurs abiotiques sur la croissance des arbres en zone de contact foret-savane au Cameroun. Dschang University, Cameroon. J-P Donjang (co-supervisor) 2005
Gounes J Impact de quelques facteurs mesologiques sur la dynamique des peuplements de Terminalia spp en zone de contact foret-savane au Cameroun. Dschang University, Cameroon. J-P Donjang (co-supervisor) 2006
Gorim L Y Preliminary evaluation of legumes for their potential to suppress Imperata cylindrica. Universitaet Hohenheim, Germany. cosupervised with R Schultze-Kraft 2006
Coenen H Plant development and allometry of the biofuel crop Jatropha curcas along an ecological gradient in Mexico. KULeuven. cosupervised with B Muys 2011
Minguely C Phyllocoptes gracilis, the eriophyoid mite: its intraplant distribution on Rubus idaeus and testing of potential fungal biocontrol agents in the laboratory. BFH.. Cosupervised with C Baroffio 2018
Ojo S Canopy dynamics of two „climate-smart“ cassava varieties under drought in SW Nigeria. (BFH) in progress
Van der Poel J Taking stock of carbon along a land-use gradient in the Javanese Highlands. (BFH). With L Probst (BOKU), Arini (U Yogyakarta) in progress
Davatgar A Reassessing the role of remnant trees in shifting cultivation systems in the tropics (BFH) in progress
Phelps R C Edge effects on natural enemies of insect pests in vineyards in California (BFH) in progress
Kuonen L Optimising nutrient management in Bolivian horticultural systems (BFH) inprogress
Piato K Optimising shade and nutrient management in Ecuadorian coffee systems in the Amazon. (BFH) With C Subia (INIAP) in progress
Blomme S A longitudinal study on farmer management and yields of cacao agroforests in Cameroon from 2001-2018. KUL with B Muys in progress
Tueche J R (PhD thesis) Relationship between soil physical properties and crop yields in different cropping systems in southern Cameroon. cosupervised with G Cadisch, S Hauser. 2014
Sprachen- und Länderkenntnisse
- Englisch - Muttersprache oder zweisprachig
- Französisch - Fliessend