Nutrition and Dietetics

The Master of Science in Nutrition and Dietetics prepares you for demanding roles in clinical and advisory contexts, teaching and research.

In this degree programme, you will learn the latest scientific findings on topics such as clinical nutrition, nutritional assessment and research methodologies. You will choose focus areas, refine your professional profile and prepare to take on complex tasks. You will study in Bern according to your needs: either full-time or part-time.

«The Master's program made me more aware of health policy issues.» Portrait of Diana Studerus, Graduate Master of Science Nutrition and Dietetics (in german).

Begin your studies in autumn 2025.


  • Title/Degree Master of Science (MSc)
  • Specialisations
  • Mode of study Full-time (3 semesters)
    Part-time (6 semesters)
  • Start date Academic year 2025 | 15 September 2025
  • Application deadline Academic year 2025 | 30 April 2025
  • ECTS credits 90 ECTS credits
  • Teaching language German, t.t. English
  • Location Bern
  • School School of Health Professions
  • Next info event 31 October 2024

Focus areas

The Master of Science in Nutrition and Dietetics programme will expand your expertise in five module groups. In these module groups, you will deepen your knowledge in a variety of areas, such as clinical nutrition, nutritional assessment, ethics, the development of advanced roles, project management and communication. You will specialise in research methodology as a focus area of the study course. In the practical module groups, you will research two relevant practical topics of your choice. The programme concludes with a master’s thesis.

What you stand to gain from this degree programme

The Master of Science in Nutrition and Dietetics programme will expand your expertise and methodological skills. You will develop your practical professional experience, and deepen your nutritional expertise and your understanding of ethical decision-making. You will learn how to approach complex patient and client situations confidently. You will be able to develop and implement treatment strategies, basing your decisions on the latest scientific knowledge. The Master of Science in Nutrition and Dietetics opens the door to a range of advanced and demanding roles.

Combining theory and practice in research projects

Teaching, practice and research are closely connected. In the Transfer module group, students gain experience in nutritional practice, university teaching or research. For example, you will have the opportunity to shadow advanced practice dieticians in intensive care, either in Switzerland or abroad, and gain an insight into highly complex nutritional issues and the development of practical guidelines.

Find out more about research in the area of nutrition and dietetics

Career prospects

The Master of Science in Nutrition and Dietetics opens up numerous professional opportunities in specialist and management roles, including in hospitals, outpatient clinics, social care facilities or at-home care networks, teaching and applied nutritional research, public institutions and the pharmaceutical industry. Your interdisciplinary knowledge will make you a sought-after specialist.

Ready for leadership and expert roles?

The Master of Science in Nutrition and Dietetics will prepare you to take on demanding roles. Your job prospects will not only include roles in hospitals, clinics, public authorities and research institutes; challenging creative opportunities will also be open to you in educational institutions and the pharmaceutical industry.  

Our graduates work in the following roles:

  • Technical expert (e.g. advanced practice dietitian in a specialised field)
  • Advanced role or management position in a clinic (e.g. in quality management) or other inpatient facility
  • Management role in outpatient clinics
  • Manager of health organisations
  • Research associate assisting with the training of nutritionists at a university or other educational institution
  • Research associate working on research projects/at a research institute

A doctorate – your career in teaching and research

Completing the Master of Science in Nutrition and Dietetics opens the path to a doctorate. In our doctoral programme, you will deepen your scientific work and expand your knowledge in a field of your choice. A doctorate opens up further career options, especially in teaching and research at university.

Duration + content

We offer programme structures that suit your lifestyle. You can study for a Master of Science in Nutrition and Dietetics on a part-time or full-time basis. The languages of instruction are German and English.

Full-time or part-time

Studying full-time takes three semesters and takes up 80–100% of your time. Part-time work while studying full-time should take up no more than around 20% of your time.

Part-time studies allow for greater flexibility. You will study at 50% capacity for six semesters. It is easier to hold a part-time job while also studying part-time.

Need help deciding which plan works best for you? We’re happy to help.

Study plan

Whether full-time or part-time, our master’s programme consists of five module groups. We pay particular attention to the close relationship between theory and practice.

Master of Science Ernährung und Diätetik Modulübersicht Vollzeitstudium Enlarge image
(in German)
Master of Science Ernährung und Diätetik Modulübersicht Teilzeitstudium Enlarge image
(in German)


The programme is divided into five module groups.

In this module group, you will deepen your knowledge on the following topics:

  • Nutritional assessment
  • Clinical nutrition
  • The role of an advanced practice dietitian

In this module group, you will deepen your knowledge on the following topics:

  • Research methods 1 and 2 
  • Applied statistics
  • Research planning

You will complete the modules together with other master’s students in the Health Professions Department and expand your knowledge on the following topics: 

  • Applied ethics 
  • Advanced practice
  • Philosophy of science for health professions

In the Transfer module group, you will specialise in your own focus areas. You will carry out practical project work, gain teaching experience or work on a topic in the area of research or clinical practice. You will also have the opportunity to dive deeper into your own topic in cooperation with a practice partner.

In this module, you will complete your master’s thesis. You will work independently on a scientific topic in the area of nutrition and dietetics. As part of your master’s thesis, you will apply appropriate scientific research methods, carry out empirical research, reflect on the results and derive practical and professional recommendations.

Admission requirements

Do you hold a degree in nutrition and dietetics from the former diploma-based system? To be considered for our programme, you must first apply for the required title (Swiss NTE procedure) from your former university.

Academic prerequisites

You will be admitted directly to the programme:

  • With a Bachelor of Science in the field of nutrition and dietetics from a Swiss university with a minimum grade point average of 5.0

You will be admitted to the programme pending an aptitude assessment:

  • With a Bachelor of Science in the field of nutrition and dietetics from a Swiss university with a minimum grade point average of less than 5.0

  • With an equivalent degree from a university abroad

  • With a degree in nutrition from the former diploma-based system along with a subsequently acquired title (i.e. Swiss NTE procedure)

List of continuing education programmes of the State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation  

The Head of Degree Programme may impose conditions on your admission. These conditions are typically aspects such as scientific work or applied statistics.

You would acquire the required competencies at BFH in the following courses: 

Pending approval by the Head of Degree Programme, you may receive credit for specialist courses from other universities with similar content.

Supplementary information on admission

The languages of instruction are German and English. You must demonstrate very good oral and written skills in both languages (German level C1 and English level B). 

We consider international applicants’ degrees on a case-by-case basis. If need be, the requirement for recognition by the Swiss Red Cross will be dropped.

Information for international students

The Swiss education system is designed to be open and facilitate all students’ learning. Depending on your educational background, you may also be admitted to the programme with a comparable bachelor’s degree. Please make an appointment for a consultation with the Head of Degree Programme.

The ‘Reasonable accommodations’ form allows applicants with a mental or physical illness or disability to apply for reasonable accommodations to be made with regard to the aptitude assessment.

Transfer + re-entry

Are you interested in transferring or re-entering Bern University of Applied Sciences?


Submit your application early. Not sure you meet all the requirements? We’re happy to help.

Registration deadlines

Application deadline: 30 April 2025
Start date: 15 September 2025

You will receive the date for the aptitude assessment after we have reviewed your documents.

Start your studies in autumn 2025

Register by 30 april 2025.

Brief explanation of online application

Online applications only.
Our Online Application Guide explains how it works, step by step.

Application documents

You will need to make PDF or JPG copies of the following documents:

Mandatory requirements:

  • ID or passport
  • Passport photo that meets international passport requirements

Other documents (certificates, etc.)

  • Diplomas and leaving certificates (e.g. vocational baccalaureate/specialised baccalaureate with grades, university entrance qualification, Abitur or upper secondary level qualification)
  • Swiss Federal VET diploma with grades
  • Employer references and/or internship certificates
  • Curriculum vitae
  • Additional documents may be required, depending on educational background

The costs for the programme comprise application, tuition and examination fees plus the cost of course materials and excursions.


At BFH, different fees apply for programmes and examinations.

Application (per application)*

CHF 100


CHF 100

Tuition fees (per semester)

CHF 750

Tuition fees for international students*** (per semester)

CHF 950

Examination fee (per semester)

CHF 80

Fee for social, cultural and sport offerings (per semester)

CHF 24

Membership fee for the Bern University of Applied Sciences Student Association (VSBFH) (per semester)

CHF 15

* plus CHF 10 processing fee if paying by paying-in slip/paper invoice.
** If the application leads to matriculation, the matriculation fee is covered by the application fee.
*** International students are defined as persons of foreign citizenship who at the time of obtaining their university entrance qualification were domiciled under civil law neither in Switzerland nor the Principality of Liechtenstein. This rule applies as of the 2018/19 autumn semester.

Aptitude assessment fee

The aptitude assessment costs CHF 200.

Grants, loans and other funding options

Financial aid is available through grants and loans. Grants are one-off or ongoing payments that don’t usually have to be paid back provided you complete your course. Loans are one-off or ongoing payments that must be paid back after you finish your course.

Cantonal grants

Grants and loans for Swiss students and overseas students are generally paid out by the canton where the students’ parents are tax residents.

Students who have been tax residents in the Canton of Bern for at least two years are able to apply for cantonal grants and loans. Applications should be submitted to the Financial Aid Office at the Department of Education.

Further information (incl. financial aid calculator):

The websites, and European Funding Guide cover all the key information about grants in Switzerland and overseas.

Foundations and funds

There are also numerous private foundations and funds that offer financial support to students. The electronic foundation directory administered by the Federal Department of Home Affairs offers a comprehensive summary of these organisations and can be searched by keywords (e.g. student, research, financial aid, etc.). Other sources of funding include the foundation directories for individual cantons and private foundations.

The following foundations offer funding specifically to BFH students and students from other universities:

Advice + information

Still have questions about the programme? We are happy to answer all of your questions about our programme: admissions, organisation, administration, structure and support.


Still have questions about the programme and your career? The Administrative Office of the master’s degree programmes is here to help. The Admissions Office and Student Administration can help with information about admissions, aptitude assessments and applications.

Information event

Visit one of our information events and find out all about the degree programme, the admission requirements and your career prospects.

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Location + facilities

The Master of Science in Nutrition and Dietetics degree programme is based in Bern. Bern is a remarkable educational hub. Our faculty provide you with a range of perspectives on learning and research.

Bern – Health Professions Department

Our Health Professions Department is located within a 10-minute walk or 5-minute bus ride from Bern central station.

Show location

The Learning Centre

The Learning Centre in the Health Professions Department provides a modern learning and teaching environment with digital teaching, communication skills training and a Skills Centre. Training in the Learning Centre is conducted using equipment and models in a realistic, simulated professional setting. 

More info on the Learning Centre